
  1. yeah but will I be able to bet on the fish?

  2. Is the US not also being super hypocritical by criticizing China for banning apps then doing it themselves?

  3. Is the victim suddenly the bully when they finally stand up to the bully? No.

  4. So what is the difference between that and Netenyahu saying Palestine should never achieve statehood and that he will work to block that? (

  5. Well first of all even the Palestinians don't want a two state solution.

  6. I think that Joel started out as a single dev, but after the huge influx of players, yeah theres very likely a larger team.

  7. Nah pretty sure Joel is completely isolated in a room somewhere. Flanked by his own personal praetorian guard. He sits motionless on a golden throne where thousands of paychecks are sacrificed every day in order to keep him going while he's using his psychic powers to guide us for managed democracy.

  8. nothing to see here, just the US needing some hand picked billionaires to control a large social media company

  9. As if the CCP hasn't been doing the same thing to US companies in China for decades. Getting a taste of their own medicine, and I certainly won't cry over it.

  10. Jeremy was a 30 something gunny. This is a mission briefing.

  11. To be fair, what's the alternative? Do nothing and Israel also gains more territory?

  12. Well the alternative would be to seek a two state solution and take negotiations seriously. But of course they're never going to do that.

  13. They aren't now, but only after decades of pursuing it and Palestinians telling them to pound sand. Of course they're gonna say they're not seeking a two state solution now. That's like expecting Russia to stop outside of Kiev and start negotiations for a white peace.

  14. Sometimes the SPD get lucky and actually do a good job.

  15. Your lack of empathy for the ~45% of Texans who regularly vote against things like this is truly disturbing.

  16. But even many of them claimed they were voting because of the border, or the cost, or some other rationale they don't really believe.

  17. They themselves shot the border deal down so I can't see how they can complain about that.

  18. Take some classes at a community College. If you're having trouble finding something in the career path you're on it might be time to change career paths.

  19. As soon as Arrowhead removes those godawful civilian rescue missions I can bet way more defenses will be completed.

  20. Please don’t judge me for the behavior, it was a really long time ago, it was 22+ years ago.

  21. Though it is said that a true sadist doesn't enjoy causing pain if a masochist is enjoying it

  22. What's also funny is that you can't use the Steam Deck at all without an account. I have a ton of non-Steam games on my Deck. But if for any reason I can't login or my login has expired and I have no internet, it's just an expensive plastic doorstop. At least the Legion Go and ROG Ally don't have this absurd limitation.

  23. I know. "at all" isn't universally correct and is primarily in reference to SteamOS. It's not like I can just switch OS when I'm on a train trying to play without internet.

  24. I honestly don't know what you're trying to say. Why would you want to switch OS on a train with no internet? With a little prep you could set something up that would allow that I guess but why? If you don't want to use steamOS then don't. No one is saying you can't use windows, they're just saying you're gimping yourself for no real reason doing so. I don't think you really need a steam account for steamOS ether, at least you don't for desktop mode.

  25. Shield devastators were a menace until I embraced the ballistic Shield and defender combo. Now they're a walk in the park. Fight fire with fire, Fight Shield devastators with Shield helldivers.

  26. Community fundamentally doesn't understand Drake design at all.

  27. I wouldn't trust these third party sites that much. Also the C1 isn't a combat ship, it's a cargo hauler starter. Not everything made by Crusader is gonna be like a hot rod on crack. There's archetypes sure, but they're more like guidelines not the rule. I would expect things to change, but not drastically.

  28. Erkul uses data mined info, it's probably the most trusted website for ship information on the Internet.

  29. And yet they can't even be consistent with the information listed. C1 is missing cargo capacity.

  30. 7nm to 6nm processor for marginal performance gains but better efficiency, better battery life, better screen , Wifi 6

  31. The OLED has a better battery life than the LCD because the screen is more efficient. Battery life is one of the real drawbacks with the steam deck so anything that improves it is a good thing. If you can afford it there's no reason to pick the LCD over the OLED version.

  32. Oh, there's more to the tenants than what I even mentioned, but I was worried about writing too much in my initial post and turning people off with a novella. In our newest apartment, with the person below us, after his banging on the ceiling didn't work, he started using a manual floor sweeper on his ceiling. At least, that's what it sounded like. Our floor was vibrating when he did it. I complained to the management about his banging on the ceiling, despite not expecting much given previous managements. But guess what?  The banging on the ceiling stopped!  So now, because the tenant below us can't bang on the ceiling anymore, as soon as 7 am comes (the end of quiet hours), he immediately starts blasting music right below our bedroom and starts singing at the top of his lungs. This happened the day after he stopped banging on the ceiling, and now he does it every morning without fail. That just gets an eye roll reaction from me; at least he can't take out his aggression so directly with the ceiling banging anymore. I have other stories about the other tenants as well, but I gotta go to sleep for work tomorrow.

  33. You just need to open a window and start singing along lol.

  34. I didn't really see it coming, but it does make some sense I think. Though I feel like it makes more sense that the brotherhood would nuke shady sands and not vault tec. Since they've already waged a brutal war of near extermination not too long ago. The brotherhood was probably looking for payback and the NCR thought they were all dead so they were complacent. Also lines up with why maximus was rescued by the brotherhood right after the bomb. The brotherhood was there so quickly because they were the ones that did it.

  35. Hording old world tech is their main motivation, but it isn't their only motive. If they see the NCR as a threat (and they do) the brotherhood would do whatever it takes to remove that threat. You can't throw your weight around and bully everyone into giving you all their cool toys if you're no longer the biggest guy in the room.

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