
  1. Equating ethnostates to gay marriage and pride parades is the kind of false equivalence that I love to see around here.

  2. Oh! Ethnostate! I love that word! Too bad it's only used by antisemitic people. The fuck you think Palestine is? You out here telling Japan to loosen their immigration laws? Will I find you talking about how the Han treat everyone that isn't Han? Or is it only the Jewish majority state in the land they're indigenous to?

  3. Germany's holocaust was based on the inherent racism baked into the laws in the United States.

  4. No it wasn't. The holocaust was based on domestic hatred and biases. Hitler didn't import antisemitism.

  5. It’s funny how a hypothetical end to the Zionist state is considered genocidal but what’s happening right now in Gaza isn’t.

  6. Yeah. Kinda funny how eradicating the Jews is not the fucking same as fighting back against Hamas.

  7. Well I spent time growing up in Israel and the majority of my immediate and extended family lives there, so my vision for what would happen next in such a scenario doesn’t exactly involve the murder and ethnic cleansing of my own family and people..

  8. If the bow is upside down, you're going to want to be using thumb draw. It's still probably a bad idea.

  9. What if the bow is right side up relative to me, but I'm upside down?

  10. Anyways,..... who's eating dinner tonight?

  11. October 7th refers to the date of the attack that kicked off the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. I can only assume the phrasing is meant to be evocative of 9/11 and January 6th.

  12. It's a reference to Charlottesville, when trump said there were fine people on both sides... Even though one of those sides showed up with nazi flags.

  13. Damn it, Jim! I'm a bike mechanic, not a miracle worker.

  14. NAB was in town. One of the bigger conventions. Not CES big, but still.

  15. TBH the problems with the US Supreme court are many. One issue surprisingly is the lack of pay. Sure 350k sounds great, but any one of the justices could be making 2x-10x times that at a private law firm. Most of the lawyers making arguments at the supreme court are making way more than the justices, some more than all the justices combined. Because of the hyper politics about appointments, they are stuck on the court, pretty much for life.

  16. You're the one getting really weird about the possibility of gay sex. I haven't said anything critical in any capacity.

  17. You're welcome to, if that's what you want. I did not negatively criticize your fantasy.

  18. Some of them, at least. I'm not attracted to everyone just because I'm pan. But yeah, gender identity isn't really a barrier for me.

  19. And then drug dealers get federal jobs. What could go wrong?

  20. Guess they get their life straight and start working towards a fair retirement plan.

  21. And most don’t know what they’re looking for. But will make up something as they go along.

  22. Bamboo in the paper, cause it comes from China. You can see it with the black lights. Only the finest American paper doesn't use bamboo.

  23. Why can't they just be honest. Everyone knows "poll watching" means "intimidating minority voters".

  24. I do hope they come around my area to do just that. What? They think the Crips are gonna vote for trump?

  25. Not to make light of these events, but I'm so relieved that I'm not the only one that this has happened to lol.

  26. I’m did Oregon to Vegas in a day, 800mi in June! Good luck and get gas every chance you get. Surprisingly didn’t make very good time since I had to stop every 120mi for gas. The inbetween was speedy though :).

  27. I've got a 9 gallon tank, so I'm not super worried about it. The other side to that is my bike likes chevron and shell, and about nothing else. So I've got my gas stops planned, and they fall at odd intervals.

  28. I, nor anyone else here, has the first damn clue about getting a job as a psych without any prior work experience. The volunteer work can pad your resume a bit. But with not much else, you're probably going to be putting it out there at about a 100:1 for call backs. And unless you're really lucky, you're probably looking at 20:1 for interview to offer ratio. And even then, 10:1 for bullshit to real offers. Good luck, buddy. You're gonna need it.

  29. This is where the Fred calling/bicycle circle jerk community overlaps with misogyny on the vin diagram.

  30. Is it? You sure about that? Or are you just being a try hard who's never worn crew neck scrubs on a warm day?

  31. I am a person who left cleavage jokes behind when I left high school.

  32. ... Never worn any scrubs, have you? It's alright. No one's actually going to judge you for not having been in a position to wear clothes that redefine "not breathable".

  33. I could take it 2 ways. One being the obvious negative. The other being that black people are under represented in a lot of outdoor sports, and should be welcomed. But just off of this 2 word comment? Kinda hard to assume the best.

  34. Depends. There's some solid ideas in this thread already. But do you happen to have a screw loose? If you're insane, maybe look into what Stacy Kohut has?

  35. I know it's for Palestine, but can we start calling them what they are?

  36. As soon as they become anti-genocide protesters. You see them saying anything about Sudan? Hey, and be honest, were you aware that the Rohingan Genocide is still ongoing? Can't recall the last time anyone said anything about Uigers.

  37. There’s no middle ground ..you either consider him an asshole or a god..seemingly no middle ground. I for one consider him to be the worlds biggest, sleaziest most sociopathic asshole

  38. Well, yes. And that's not really the question. You can think he's a total prick all you like. The question is if you can weigh the facts and arguments presented to determine if events unfolded as the prosecution says they did, or if it would be reasonable to believe they didn't. You can specifically dislike him, but still be honest about the evidence as it's presented.

  39. Probably. Gun sellers will do the bare minimum vetting of their customers. You might need a fake electricity bill or something similar.

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