
  1. ' I had problems with anxiety, lack of sleep and hunger ' cope + probably didn't affect the score.

  2. A troll account owner is surely not above average. I'm sorry.

  3. I have been called cringe more often than I have been called smart, how?

  4. You're the one making the claims and you don't even know if they're true. How are they more bioavailable? What's more bioavailable? Are you talking strictly about heme iron? The iron that causes colon cancer? Why would I want that? Maybe I should start smoking cigarettes?

  5. He knows they're true, you don't because you're too dumb to carry out simple research

  6. Not a limp reraise, open call reraise. With the knowledge that SB would 3bet.

  7. It was a bad play, obviously. In theory, it's a clear get in. In practice, you were trying to exploit a player based on an impression that turned out to be wrong, so it was a get in in this situation too. He knew his play would look very strong which made his bluff very well-timed and executed. You tried to make an exploitative fold but were exploited yourself.

  8. TBF, it seems you went to emergency with a relatively minor problem, so I imagine you were at the lower end of the list.

  9. 'That and conservatives who just actively don't care about people and destroy these things for votes from other conservatives.' Simplistic us vs them narrative? Seriously? You're an adult, aren't you? Good lord. Go outside.

  10. The answer is 1 - [the complement], where the complement is the probability that no-one gets dealt pocket aces. Complement = 220/221 (i.e. probability that you aren't dealt aces from a full deck) * [probability that 2nd players doesn't get dealt aces] * ... * [probability that 6th player doesn't get dealt aces].

  11. So like... once every 50 hands give or take. If you ain't seen em in a while, they're coming, and your gonna see em every hour and a half - 2 hours you play.

  12. Just for reference, I took the PSAT when I was 15, and got >700, 99th percentile on the English section (math was somewhere in the low 80s I believe; nothing noteworthy). I know that's slightly different than the full SAT before age 13, but I don't think my score would be that different, and I highly doubt my IQ is anywhere near 160. I would guess that I'm around 130, a full two SDs below. This seems a bit extreme to me, but I'd be happy to consider other sources pointing to its validity, if anybody has them.

  13. The CAIT average wasn't set as 115, fool. It was the average based on correlational data with other tests.

  14. Oh, in that case ignore the autism comment lol. But yeah, never talk about your IQ, it's social taboo and makes you come off as a narcissist.

  15. If he is 16 and lives in the Anglosphere, his social comprehension is well below average

  16. The spread is pretty insignificant. You are an intelligent/very intelligent person.

  17. How about you let other people define their own relationships and stay in your lane?

  18. My current girlfriend. Her overall IQ I ASSUME IS 130 or higher ___ > Tested in 2017 by the mental health department in Boston Massachusetts. She was given the WAIS. She writes grants for a living and has perfect English grammar skills. Her VCI is 145 and her Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) is 130 and her working memory Working Memory Index (WMI) is approximately 150 or something that’s what she told me. She is remarkable at keeping new information in her short term memory in a super efficient way. It’s why she’s so good at cards 🃏 and even her lowest score of 110 is pretty impressive which is her Processing Speed Index (PSI). So overall? She’s a great person and writer and remarkably intelligent.

  19. Those scores equate to at least 140, but i don't have the table for a precise conversion.

  20. The amygdalae is structured differently in conservatives than liberals. Look at how right wing TV always has a boogeyman, someone to blame, something to ruin or negatively impact their existing way of life. You don't encounter the same on left-leaning programming.

  21. This is hyperbole and completely anecdotal. Too common on these subs. Please don't make statements that might lead people to put faith in a supplement that isn't for them. Ashwghanda objectively isn't the best supplement ever. A better title would have been 'Ashwghanda has been very helpful for me.'

  22. 'X is the best ever' is a idiomatic way of conveying that you really like X.

  23. The reason i still think it is not a good test is because of the g factors of the subtests. All the subtests are very strictly timed, and many have a large advantage if you eg. are good at maths.

  24. Yes, the solution is to pay a woman to have sex who isn't even attracted to you and is possibly a victim of sex trafficking.🥳

  25. The people that casually throw in their right wing talking points. Talking about either side at the table is bad but it's normally the right leaners that feels the need to bring it up

  26. I don't play much live, but in general left-wingers are far likelier to try to shove their ideology down your throat

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