
  1. I usually get asked why I have such a big cage (it’s minimum standards) 😭

  2. you put into words what I’ve been struggling with for so long. at least you’re not the only one feeling this way. I know you posted this a year ago so I hope you’ve been doing better

  3. Don’t worry that’s very normal. I call it “popping” my ears. I do it constantly. It’s most common when changing altitudes like in a plane but I do it literally all the time. It’s very normal and nothing to stress over

  4. also if your ears feel clogged, maybe you should get them cleaned by a professional?

  5. HA buddy I’m 25 rn, I was lookin for this series again last year it was such a huge nostalgia. Still hits today.

  6. I don’t think it is the yogscast one. The one I saw was formatted like an actual show. It was also only one single person. Also I don’t think the guy was british. I think he had an american/canadian accent. Thank u for the suggestion though!

  7. It won’t ever feel like the first time ever again. Unfortunately that’s just how it works. But if you’ve only been smoking for about a year probably a month is good to reset your tolerance mostly

  8. I have one inside my labia minora and i’m so freaked out. You guys made me feel a bit better. It showed up out of the blue today it’s a hard bump and it hurts. I’m gonna call my gyno soon but I hope it goes away on its own. Plz let me know if anyone has suggestions on what to do

  9. Was it under your skin? Like you could squeeze your skin to find it?

  10. it was under my skin and it went away after a few days. I never figured out what it was. It was likely just a pimple type thing. I hope yours went away as well

  11. I think I’ve heard a lot of your stories. They mention lots of blue sunflowers. Your stories are amazing and you’re a very talented writer

  12. all the monitors at my college are like what you first described. it’s probably just use because the ones here are all old and abused by students.

  13. as long as everyone is hygienic with no STIs no that wouldn’t make anyone sick. Now if they’re unhygienic it’s possible

  14. I’ve also wondered what trauma did Chris (the host of the system) go through? I know it’s extremely rude to ask something of that sort but it’s just morbid curiosity.

  15. i remember in one video he mentioned something about hiding often as a child and that’s why when the little alters switch in, they’ll wake up in the closet or under something.

  16. i honestly use those for everything. It’s perfect for curling the top of the wire in an earring so I can add the hook

  17. Does anyone else remember dorabae? They made custom maps I really loved theirs

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