
  1. Is the question about the human trafficking going on with the administration...l'm pretty sure the're/is laws on the books for this kind of thing

  2. Ehhhh wrong...it's up to everyone to listen and do the research themselves...never blindly just take some one's word for anything...that would make you a dumbass..just saying

  3. add on....l love fucking with people when l find out the gave me bad info...the best eva

  4. I meant that being "peer reviewed" holds zero water. It means nothing, specifically concerning pharmaceutical companies.

  5. I'm not talking about pharma..l'm talking about children being at risk or causing risk

  6. Isn't that a dude dressed like a girl...a dude with a penis dressed as a girl on national TV...not a good look for jeopardy..just saying

  7. They are freaking perfect...no kidding...wish l had a gf that did this for me..just saying

  8. Calling it right now...Harris to supreme Court... Hillary for VP...Biden 25th...Hillary president and Michelle Obama VP....

  9. This dude is a confirmed pedo and needs to be hanging at the end of a rope...just saying

  10. Sheeeeeiiit....thats only the have of it...y'all have no idea how bad it really is...

  11. They have free Health Care because they depend on the U.S. for a military..America doesn't have free Health Care because we are supplying the free world with a military...just saying

  12. I don't know ..two things for sure super funny monkeys and fat people...stick with da formula or go broke

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