
  1. Ferrari design team in shambles after GoodGuyJeff00 dislikes their design and asks them to stop inventing.

  2. guys i lost my savegame of sekiro i was so ahead i was at genichiros fight what should i doo

  3. Best way I can think of is run some recovery software and hope non-corrupted data is recovered. If it was steam there must be cloud backup, if it were pirated, tough luck.

  4. Imagine the amount of excuses Danny’s fans gonna come up with

  5. Already saw someone claim on a different post that Danny is slower because he is running experimental setups while Yuki is not. These idiots are coping hard.

  6. OMG this is surely what happens to me. Is the vicious cycle you’re talking about is when no matter how much I put lip balm on my lip it will become even worse and makes me wanna pick those dead skins (which I know I should never do) but it never ends! I will keep comes back to this cracky dead skin the next day after I applied it 😭😭 i need help!

  7. Lets cherry pick parts of this shitty book to make it look better than it is. History and present shows where Islam really leads people.

  8. That performance was very poor. Can't understand what is going on with him

  9. Being against sex trafficking is being an idiot?

  10. Way to change topic idiot. You accusing me of something without evidence was a leap. But your pea sized brain won't understand that.

  11. So much for free speech aye Musk? Using your wealth to silence your critics.

  12. Let's see some research to back up your assertions. I think you're missing the fact that these types of differences you're referring to only occur at the extremes of the distributions of these attributes.

  13. Homie left his own country to go to a country that only has nude beaches apparently (which isn’t even true, most are just topless bc breasts aren’t sexualized there and only some are truly nude beaches) and seems shocked/appalled there were nude beaches lol.

  14. Why do some nationalities have to be so fucking loud all the time?

  15. You can't even link something correctly. I highly doubt you have the intelligence to judge someone else.

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