
  1. In this clip you can pinpoint the exact moment where he started panicking.

  2. Looks great as always. 300 is pretty impressive. I definitely wouldve just straight up forgotten to post before like day 10 if it were me. As for the question, if you remember, what was the first drawing you really put a lot of time into. Like whats the drawing that was the beginning of art being a hobby for you?

  3. I feel like Undertale just isnt for me. It has the main things i like in videogames, being hard yet fair difficulty and bossfights, but i just couldnt enjoy it for some reason.

  4. I love the veteran combatant with trauma and innocent bean who knows no evil typa character dynamic

  5. Alright. Are you kidding me? What kind of question is that? Unicron absolutely annihilates her

  6. I don’t know if you’re talking about the one with the shovel or the other one but yes

  7. The one on the right is me. The one on the left is my Canadian friend who keeps threatening to beat me to death with a fucking snow shovel.

  8. Both of them are just gonna keep regenerating since neither have angelic weapons and Bendy is borderline immortal. So id call it a tie

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