
  1. I take a solid 12-24 hours to react and can use topical products. I don’t love when there’s gluten in creams, but I’ve used the Avena oat moisturizers for years on my body without issue.

  2. I definitely have Celiac, thats been confirmed, she agrees with that as well. It's something in addition. I'm not necessarily upset, I will say I'm more... lost is the word I think. I thought my symptoms were explained by the autoimmune disease I have, I mean my GI said all my symptoms could be celiac and now I know it isn't just celiac, it's something else out there causing this and that freaks me out a lot. It's scary to be very, very sick and think you finally have the answer and you just... don't. I feel like I'm back at square one. I went militant on the gluten, cut it out of everything around me including all products I come in contact to and it didn't help beyond me not throwing up 6x a day anymore and not reacting topically to skincare stuff anymore. The actual dangerous stuff (the seizing, collapsing, shaking, fainting, unable to walk upstairs, etc.) is the stuff I'm actually worried about. I can see it's something more than celiac, that makes a lot of sense given what others on the thread have said, and I feel like maybe in the post I came off in a way that I think she's wrong, I was moreso confused because other people with celiac disease have said they react a lot quicker. But yeah, I'm just going to have to go back to the drawing board and try to find other answers on what's going on

  3. There are TONS of health benefits to a strict gf diet if you are a celiac, so you haven’t waisted time at all.

  4. I’ve found it hard to engage on posts like the one you’ve described. People are confidently typing on stereotype, and they aren’t even familiar with the correct stereotype for each season. 😞

  5. This is true. Lots of people out there think soft summer is more like light summer in particular and that both can only wear pastels.

  6. Oh yes. Most people are soft autumns or summers. The rest are winters. Also, only blondes are springs, and autumns never have blue eyes while summers always do. 🤮

  7. I wouldn’t leave the phd program if you are positive you want a PhD eventually. I would switch advisors and restart your thesis before doing this.

  8. It actually depends on the facial structure of the person. Some people aren’t prone to them, others have a lot of mobility there and are.

  9. Yes. I am less angry and focused more on getting in touch with my emotions than I would have ever predicted in my 20s.

  10. I hated that they just forgot about that plot line. And I think you’re right to wonder about this.

  11. Yes, you are correct, and the situation doesn’t improve sadly.

  12. Don’t leave your job until you have a new one. The job market has changed, and algorithms decide if your app gets viewed or not, and being unemployed/having an employment break will not be viewed favorably.

  13. The senator not financially supporting Angela and her basically going destitute never made sense to me… like, is child support not a thing in PA?

  14. She would have been eligible for some kind of child support. Even if it was Dwight’s baby, the senator was probably on the birth certificate. The thing is though that these things take time. They probably weren’t legally divorced yet.

  15. I wish I hadn’t done a PhD. I was too young when I decided science was right for me. It has still opened doors and made it easier to get on a management track where I am happier. However, I believe I would have found the same success had I done something else with that time.

  16. It’s normal if you haven’t been drinking often and are older. I’m 34 and have always tolerated alcohol reasonably well. I got very sick recently and didn’t drink for over 6 weeks. I was in the hospital and then just stuck inside, but I digress. I had one Tito’s and soda last week and was actually hung over the next day. Wild stuff.

  17. You will likely get more sensitive as you heal.

  18. It was like that for me for the first 7 years. I was so sensitive. Somewhere along the way though it changed and I’m not super sensitive any more. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still sensitive, but it’s now how it used to be and I get better faster. I think I’m actually healed. I’m at year 15 now.

  19. I agree with what others have said, but I wanted to add getting plastic surgery. It’s prevalence absolutely cannot be understated.

  20. This color of yellow? It's 8pm here so I'm running out of natural light to work with 🙃

  21. Edit: I digitally moved your hair from a winter dark brown to a bright spring dark brown. It’s still neutral leaning but warmer and lighter. I think it helps.

  22. This is the warmer color I was doing right before the oops that made it really brassy (and two different colors). My current color is a little darker than I'd like it to be but it is a step towards getting back to my natural ash brown color over time.

  23. I personally prefer Botox. That seems hard and uncomfortable.

  24. I’m sorry this happened. You’re right about heat and gluten. Eventually it will denature with heat, but unfortunately celiacs will still react to the denatured protein, so even then she’s wrong… you’d have to combust it so you’d need temperatures of 1000 F…

  25. I have had a hard time living in a good location with my background in chem e. I have a PhD in it and wish I would have done my thesis in biotech/pharma just so I could get a job in San Diego.

  26. It is a little confusing. I think the owner of the car is equating all of these things as generally bad for you but delicious. So, to this person, gluten, butter, pig butts and carbs are not good for you but tasty. I am guessing there is no understanding that some of us have a serious condition that prevents eating gluten. This idiot probably doesn’t believe in Celiac disease or else doesn’t care about others, but that is just a guess.

  27. I think you’re right. I couldn’t figure out what I was seeing lol.

  28. Immediately things improved for me. I didn’t realize my chronic migraines were gluten related, and they went away almost immediately. My BMs also immediately improved.

  29. Can I ask why you chose vinegar? To be honest that sounds really gross.

  30. I am an ENTJ women, and I find communication and relations with INTPs to be the easiest of all the types.

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