
  1. Our district on Long Island pays $115K and tops out at $160K.

  2. Google says 2010-2024 and Gen Beta starts at 2025

  3. “Can I see your ID please?” I’m 43 just give me the glass of wine.

  4. If you're into text-based games, Roadwarden is a gem that I absolutely adore.

  5. What brand is #2 with the cherry blossom? I love it so much!

  6. My husband had the same experience. He was prescribed Wegovy first and we didn't notice that much weight loss to begin with. When he went for a checkup this past December he was diagnosed pre-diabetic and switched to Ozempic. He's now lost 45lbs since the switch in meds. Bizarre really, because Wegovy is the one approved for actual weight loss.

  7. Instant relief in my case. I was in labor for 23hrs and the contractions were the worst part. Once the baby came out they subsided almost immediately. I didn't get an epidural but once I pushed my daughter out they hooked me up with some pretty cool IV pain meds to remove the placenta...I was on cloud 9 for the next few hours lol

  8. I have a bunch of 3rd graders who still can't tell the time on a traditional analog clock

  9. I remember back in 1996 when I first started to "sweat" under my armpits a tube of Secret cost $1.99 and it was visibily full. Last week I went to CVS and it was $10.99, half empty.

  10. A raccoon...their little hands can do so much it almost makes them human.

  11. When I was 12 a girl in my class made fun of the way I "walk"...30 years later I'm still self conscious of my gait when walking down the street in public situations.

  12. The Blackbird in Wantagh was one that impressed last summer. Don’t let the exterior fool you…

  13. You beat me to it with this comment...absolutely fantastic all across the board!

  14. We flew into Gatwick last month and took an express train out of the airport to Victoria Station. Walked around the city for about 4 hours then went back and continued on our second flight to Paris.

  15. Ford Raptor or something along the same lines. The biggest most obnoxious trucks are driven by those with the tiniest wieners....

  16. My mom used to "cook" raw chicken in the microwave and then serve it without salt.

  17. I take other medications that also don't work the week before my period. It came as no surprise when Ozempic did the same. It's something to do with female hormone fluctuations I think...

  18. Proofed poorly/might be new frozen product?

  19. My guess is that it's the new frozen dough. Air pockets are more common when it's not made fresh.

  20. I'm 43 and recently got a job teaching at a new high school. The number of times I've been stopped by security for "trying to leave campus" on my lunch break is borderline ridiculous. I do not look at myself in the mirror and think that I look 17 anymore.

  21. I used to be a heavy wine drinker...never touched any other alcohol, just red wine, but it now smells and tastes so bad to me I literally want to vomit just thinking about it.

  22. I use a pretty shallow pot to make a single box. The water barely covers the noodles to be honest, but it cooks perfectly every single time.

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