
  1. Noise pollution is a thing.  These bikers care about one thing and that’s themselves.  They have no compassion for other people trying to find peace.  It’s incredibly disruptive when you are having conversation on a patio and these bikers with loud exhaust fly by or rev up their bikes.  They are losers.  They know what they are doing.  It’s so sad.  

  2. That's exactly why I'm trying to help people make informed purchase decisions.

  3. I recently started working in a car repair shop which has some profoundly fucking earsplitting activities (such as using an impact on bolts that go into metal plates/undershields) and nobody seems to care at all about ear protection. Needless to say, ima hang a set of earmuffs from my toolbox as soon as I get out of training. That shit is brutal.

  4. Something very similar actually happened to somebody IRL. He butt dialed 911 while playing Rainbow Six, and they overheard him say, "I killed 2 people." There's bodycam footage on YouTube. Thankfully the situation was resolved peacefully and everyone was able to see the humor in it.

  5. Yes it did actually happen but perhaps I should have made it more clear that I wasn't talking about Jerma. It was some very unlucky kid

  6. Half of the comments would be pickup driving boomers saying that they deserved it

  7. As a non-english speaker, today I learned the word "loitering", and that it's an illegal activity (...or lack of?) in some places.

  8. Loitering: the criminal act of existing in a public space without spending any money

  9. It depends a lot on the type of diving your friend does. I've never used one, but the Shearwater Peregrine looks like an awesome choice for recreational divers.

  10. Yeah what’s up with that? I never quite got why furries wear collars. Why would you choose to live as a domesticated animal instead of a wild one?

  11. For a lot of people, the symbolism isn't that deep. They just like wearing collars because it's fun, lol.

  12. "Free loading cyclists and transit users need to pay their fair share if they want bike lanes and rail lines". But as soon as you explain the subsidy on highways and car infrastructure it's for the "public good".

  13. Cyclists should pay their fair share, though! I propose a tax that scales linearly with the amount of road wear caused by a given vehicle. $1 per year for Cyclists and $1,000 for car drivers, since road wear scales by the cube of axle weight.

  14. Ah, I thought i might have remembered incorrectly. Thanks.

  15. sensory issues have entered the chat like the Kool-Aid Man

  16. I had to get a pretty deep filling done on one of my molars. Despite requesting and receiving nitrous, the only way I could cope with the feeling of my tooth being ground away was to squeeze my phone. I'm pretty sure I damn near snapped it in half. Something about seeing bits of my tooth flying out of my mouth and smelling burning when they filed down the epoxy made my skin crawl. Not to mention how your entire skull vibrates.

  17. If you don't drink enough water and end up diving dehydrated, you massively increase your risk of getting bent.

  18. Yeah screw them. It's not like they spent years practicing an extremely difficult craft only to be made obsolete by some silicon valley techbros.

  19. I'm actually not sure. I guess they're exempt lol. Never thought about that before

  20. I wouldn't be surprised if one side was completely fake, to give the car a more "balanced" look

  21. That is pretty common, but some cars do have real dual exhausts, including my Mom's Ford explorer for some reason.

  22. Your height and strength have very little to do with your ability to handle a large bike. It's all about practicing balance and muscle memory. I'm a short 130lb dude, and I can ride my dad's 700lb road king with ease, but only because I've gotten really good at balancing my much smaller Virago.

  23. Looks like a Chihuahua. They're little assholes.

  24. Dude, my aunt has a chihuahua, and he's the chillest dog ever. I have no clue how. He never gets aggressive, always comes to you when called, and LOVES when you pet him. He also enjoys burrowing into giant blanket piles and sleeping in them. Definitely an outlier, but still a 10/10 dog.

  25. Not far from my house there is an intersection of a two-lane and a four-lane road, where there are a lot of cars that drive into the intersection regardless the fact they can't get through (because ... traffic - shocking!). Then comes my favorite trolleybus driver, who stops like one and a half cm from their car and leans on his honk until they go. He is my hero.

  26. Not a huge fan of persistent honking, but trolley busses are based as fuck

  27. I joined one of them and quickly found out there was no age verification, several porn channels (including one for sharing nudes) and the server owner was a minor

  28. yeah this post is gonna get nuked lol you cant promote piracy (even if it is always morally correct)

  29. Wait. At 0:32 that's a microwave oven transformer. How is he not dead???

  30. Huh? It doesn't matter how you ride. Everyone experiences this. I've ridden my current bike 11,000 miles without so much as a drop, yet I still get lectured by every single person I meet when they find out that I ride.

  31. I'm talking about strangers who don't know how I ride, and/or assume I'm a reckless rider. Even when I tell them that I've never had an accident or even a speeding ticket, they always say "well I'm not worried about your driving, its the other people on the road..." I had this exact conversation at the liquor store 3 days ago with the clerk. He heard of a motorcycle crash in the area and was worried that I was the one who got hit, since I hadn't been in there in a while. Like, obviously everyone has different experiences (yours seem to be more positive than most) but the general sentiment myself and others have experienced is "tell someone you ride, immediately prepare for a speech about how dangerous it is."

  32. Shocked it took this long. It was a good run. On to the next one, I guess.

  33. I don't know anything about that particular bike, but usually there will be a fuse for a 12v socket. Look at the rating for the fuse and subtract like 30%.

  34. Garbage trucks serve a valuable purpose, unlike Kyle's Mustang with no mufflers.

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