
  1. I'm seeing a lot of people saying that it sounds like "잘 라왔다" but I live in Seoul and have never heard it like that before... I've done a lot of photography, so this particular phrase is said often, and I always have heard my friends say it with an "n" sound.

  2. 마포구 is tied for the the top of my list too, thanks to places like 망원동, 상수 and 합정.

  3. Download the app 숨고. You fill in all your information, what days and times you want, etc. Then the teachers see you're looking for a teacher and you will get a bunch of messages from them. You should have a decent amount of options to choose from.

  4. I feel like I'm better off here than back home in Canada, housing is crazy expensive there too. I would also miss Coupang delivering groceries to my door too much haha.

  5. I've tried other texts, and even bigger images. ChatGPT appears to always get things wrong whereas Bard gets it right. The only problem with Bard is how it hallucinates as if it was made specifically to hallucinate haha.

  6. I also experienced the same thing with pictures of Korean text. The text it said was in the image was completely different from what was actually there.

  7. I applied 2 years ago, and when I called 1345, they told me YES, I needed a new Criminal Record Check from Canada. I specifically told them I hadn't been out of korea in over 3 years, but they said I needed one still.

  8. Loving these! I hope you keep making them.

  9. TF2, counter strike, Halo 1, ? , World of Warcraft, ?

  10. Correct! 4 and 6 are the oldest of the games so naturally they’re harder to recognize

  11. Search "Phil's computer repository". He speaks English and mostly sells custom-built PCs, but I'm sure he would be helpful if you're just looking for a new CPU too. I imagine he already is trying to get some to put in his highest tier PCs.

  12. Ah I've seen Phil's stuff before but was under the impression it was just pre-builts, I'll see about getting in contact. Thanks!

  13. He has a list of pre-buits on his website, but he will definitely work with people who have different parts in mind!

  14. 집순이 just means homebody. It's not really slang. For a long time Koreans would say they went to 방콕 or were in 방콕 to describe staying in their house all weekend. (방콕했어. 주말엔 방콕) which is a shortened form of (방에 콕 박혀있다 / 방에 콕 처박하다). That is slang.

  15. I've been wondering why it was 방콕! Thanks for that.

  16. 집순이 is the feminine term for couch potato

  17. I always thought that 집순이/집돌이 were more like "homebody"? The korean words don't carry the same negative meaning of "lazy" do they?

  18. I have nothing. 0/3. Very frustrating. It would be nice to get an update if the rollout is going to be longer than expected...

  19. How often do you see people with ADHD have trouble staying interested in romantic relationships/ getting bored of relationships quickly?

  20. Canadian living in Korea here, I've got nothing as well. No ChatGPT Vision, no voice chat. Waiting is killing me!

  21. It certainly showed me how bad traffic can be on a Tuesday when they close a few stretches of expressway to move some equipment through Seoul.

  22. My God... traffic was backed up from Myeongdong all the way through Seodaemungu and into Eunpyeongu. What a nightmare.

  23. They only say people 18 and up were interviewed, but don't mention age brackets when reporting the results. I have a feeling that if it were limited to people aged 18-30, results would be very different.

  24. Have you paid the gas bill before? You could look your transfer history in your bank app and find the account number you used before.

  25. I thought free rides were only on the subway, and not the bus?

  26. I only started riding a few months ago so im not the best resource, but I see a lot of other people wearing helmets and other things I've seen on Coupang, and it's where I got my gear too. If you're looking for more options, you could try Naver shopping, I'm guessing there are more small online stores selling through there.

  27. Networking. The good jobs aren’t usually posted online. A lot of the F visa jobs online are through an agency. The agency takes a cut of your hourly pay, which usually makes those jobs decent at best.

  28. A cut of your hourly pay?? Do you mean to tell me those agencies are making money indefinitely as long as I work there, and not just a 1 time finder's fee?

  29. As long as you have your hazard lights on, you can do whatever you want /sarcasm

  30. I used 숨고 and iTalki, but I think iTalki has a limit on how many people can sign up to teach each language.

  31. I have 9 years experience as an E-2 where I earned the typical wages for a full 40 hour work week. The past three years however, I've earned about the same amount for only 23 hours a week at the academy.

  32. Is that 23 teaching hours, or 23 hours total in the building?

  33. Okay, If it's just 23 hours in the building, that's much better than 23 hrs of teaching + desk warming. I too would rather the extra free time.

  34. This is the first "war time" emergency alert I've received, and it said to prepare to evacuate... they could have added more information! I usually don't freak out about them, but this one spooked me until I knew what happened.

  35. I currently live in Korea and have a dog. I often meet the same people at the park near my house, and they only know me as (dog's name) 아빠 😂 it's convenient because I tend to remember all the dogs' names better than the owners' names haha.

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