
  1. You say nobody should be in the delivery room watching the mother giving birth but then you say you're friends could be there? It's a little bit weird to me. I'm a woman and although I've never given birth but I just can't imagine inviting my friends there even for support. Only my husband could be in there because he's the one who can best support me and it's his child too.

  2. Wild that Rihanna and ASAP are together with 2 kids and Chanel Iman is remarried and has 3 of her own kids.

  3. He looks so damn happy in this picture! But who wouldn’t cuz Chanel is stunning

  4. You look good! My bf thought it was a picture of me lol

  5. I really hope “bf” means bestfriend in this comment

  6. lol what? I had the pic open and my boyfriend looked over and thought the picture on the screen was me bc we have similar bodies. Is something weird about that?

  7. Ngl I think this is the first time I have ever seen this woman smile

  8. And she looks so beautiful! I never thought she was attractive until now. I really don’t know why she is never smiling in pictures

  9. Yep. I got pregnant by accident when I was 43, my then-boyfriend (now husband) was 33. My pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 9 weeks, but yeah it can definitely happen. I learned my lesson.

  10. I’m 29, and my girl is late 30s and I bet my dad or mom would say the same thing about me. I get too bored when I’m talking to girls younger, so it’s same age or older for me.

  11. I’m 36 and my bf is 29 and I was a little self-conscious about it at first but I don’t think about it as much now. I’ve never been with a younger guy before and I worry I’ll start looking old at some point while he’s still young

  12. She has no stretch marks. Not one. Did she have a mini tummy tuck or photoshopped?

  13. My mom doesn’t have any either and she’s very thin and has never worked out. 3 kids! Just genes I guess

  14. I’ve been wondering what Abigail thinks of everything. I always wonder what Abigail thinks lol

  15. Omg I remember my dad and I going to see this in theaters and I remember being so uncomfortable watching that movie we both realized quickly that this wasn’t a father daughter movie at all lol.

  16. That happened when I was 10 with my dad and “Scary Movie!” Lol

  17. In a somewhat ironic twist, the mother was doing a TV interview and they told her to hand the baby over to someone else because it was making too much noise and disrupting the interview.

  18. Well it’s kind of the same thing as this because the comedian didn’t know she was breastfeeding, as he couldn’t see from the stage.

  19. I like Gabby but she’s had consistently bad takes lately. This, the plane fiasco, not a good look.

  20. Adam22 is a rapist, it's so gross that she's associating with him

  21. I just think its ironic you guys genuinely believe if there was something wrong with her that everyone in her life would be complacent. You guys do not know brooke and shoving this eating disorder narrative is batshit insane. Like clinical level

  22. Girl, we have eyes. It’s alarming and there’s nothing wrong with people being concerned. If something happens to her are y’all just gonna pretend there weren’t any signs?

  23. Right these people are so odd and obsessed it’s concerning

  24. What’s “concerning”, is watching someone disappear before your eyes.

  25. But she lasted longer than Halsey who announced it and quit after only 1 month lol 😂 

  26. Wow I didn’t know Halsey was saying that too lol

  27. I just discovered Tara so that’s funny. I think she is so stunningly beautiful

  28. I don't believe anyone really changes without some significant physical change. Superficial changes don't do anything to the person inside.

  29. I looked this up to see if this was true about the male dna and found this

  30. I read a similar quote one time that said never put anything in writing at all (journals, letters, emails, etc) that you wouldn’t want to be published in the New York Times. That really stuck with me.

  31. My mom always said that but about choices I made lol

  32. I was a heroin addict but I got into a 6 month meth bender after doing it a few times with a friend. I’ve done a lot of shit in my life, but just that short period of time threw my life into complete chaos. I couldn’t imagine it after multiple years. I had my own problems but that was a whirlwind of destruction mentally and physically.

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