
  1. Hey today on broadway I actually saw a cop pull a car over for driving in the bus/bike lane! Glad to see that being enforced

  2. Hope it's wasn't another fucking "warning" because of some education grant that "makes" them work.

  3. Layers, Layers, Layers. I was home a few weeks back, Saturday was about 63F or so. It was sunny and the skies were free of clouds. With little to no wind, my nephews ate their lunch outside. Fast forward to last Saturday, it was mid to high 40's, lashing rain and my mother had the heating on. Seven days, same location.

  4. Everything should be built to code thankfully, and generally newer building codes are most restrictive than older ones with things like sound insulation and the like

  5. Got it… i think as long as it’s not loud throughout the night when im trying to sleep, it should be okay? That’s my biggest concern currently, along with the air quality.

  6. Noise at night is pretty quiet. I have driven that road at 7:30 and it's pretty clear, later is even emptier. It's more of a commuter road than anything.

  7. I'd let them know with the opeing, "I don't know if you noticed but"

  8. We had that on out street in Feb/March. The car stayed there three weeks. My neighbor called it in a few times, and they had about 4-5 tickets, yet it was never fucking towed. There surely has to be a limit here.

  9. When Lance Armstrong admitted to drug usage and he was stripped of all his TdF wins, how did you feel?

  10. Now young buck, you don't want to get arrested, because if ya do, ya'll have a record and ya won't be able to emigrate to Amerikay then. So drink up, and go on home before this gets out of hand.

  11. I would definitely do this, but we share our driveway with neighbors

  12. I am sure the neighbors are having the same issues. Now is a great time to talk to them.

  13. Have a look under the hood. This happened me a few years ago and it was that the local rat thugs has chewed through the cabling for the compressor.

  14. Your video shows your car was stopped for a full 2 seconds and no longer. However, I was pulled over about 12/13 years ago by Foss park and was told that I needed to be at the stop sign stationary for 5 to 7 seconds. Of course I took my warning and drove off. However there's no time limit that I see in the actual laws,

  15. I'd never heard any idea that you should stop for any duration, except colloquially on the internet. I don't think it's even in the drivers' manual(?), let alone in the law.

  16. I opened my app yesterday and saw I hadn't tipped from my last ride (March 23rd). So do you know it that they who didn't tip, or should my driver have not seen that I didn't tip for two weeks, and then yesterday he gets a tip from "nowhere". How do you know these people won't do the same?

  17. Is it fair to characterize this as a one way feud? Billy tries to run against Curtatone and has to switch tactics when he doesn’t run again. He fumbles his way through 2 mayoral campaigns filled with the usual “fraud” complaints. Now the butt hurt trust fund layabout is setting his sights on the other family members. He’s still mad that Curtatone rebuffed him and his family’s development plans. Dude needs new outlets. Attending a writing class would be my first suggestion. Competent writing seems to be his true enemy.

  18. Expect a book about Maria soon, full of the usual MTG lies and mispellings.

  19. You can also go to the MoS in the morning, but call them first.

  20. Target has some great tupperware containers, but unfrotunately they don't come with food. They do however stand up to several dishwasher cycles. You may also get lucky in Tags and some of the CVS/Walgreens locations.

  21. The vegan spot there didn't last either. Wonder if the same NIMBYs complained about the cabbage smells?

  22. It's not that rare for a year lease to automatically become month to month after the year is up. It's kinda risky for the tenant since the landlord can bump the rent up with only one month notice.

  23. I guess, it's a tenant-at-will is what I was saying, not someone signing a lease monthly. But hey, thanks for the downvotes on a simple statement.

  24. I didn't downvote you, but FYI there are two different things: usually tenant -at-will means you have no formal lease document (a verbal agreement or just like an email laying out the agreed terms informally). It can also be that you have a signed formal legal lease document without any listed end date. You don't re-sign it every month, you sign it once and it continues until either party gives a month notice.

  25. OK, my understanding was that when a lease expires, and a new one isn't signed, the tenant converts to a month to month i.e. tenant at will. I think we are at semantics at this point.

  26. Deep State spies (note the Demoncrat blue) to watch for GOPers moving into the area.

  27. I have yet to have a pinch sensor error actually be caused by the pinch sensor. 99% of the time it has been the safety eyes gone bad. The other 1% has been some unknown, seemingly unfixable error. I have 7lr3's. Rebuilt all of them multiple times. 4 of them are paper weights in the garage

  28. So your garage is a LR junkyard, love it. I have one LR3, which I have rebuilt a few times. The electronics are simple and I recently replaced teh pinch guard sensor, which was a whopping $30, nah seriously I was more pissed at spending $12 on a scoop for the week I was waiting for the delivery. For the OP stating they can't afford a rebuild kit, that's bogus as hell. Not at these prices.

  29. Waterford City, Viking Triangle. I spent 5 hours traipising around with my 14 year old son last was fantastic.

  30. There's weather every month, some might even say, every day.


  32. You can shop for pints in Galway, and of course Charlie Byrne's Bookstore

  33. In an apartment above Mikes in Davis Square, IIRC.

  34. Half the time "on your left" or the bell doesn't work because the walker/runner is blasting Creed in their earbuds, but fuck it, you tried. We have all had it happen where a ped or a small child suddenly stops going straight and veers off to the side. That's why there's a push back on people going "somewhat fast" on busy pathways. My favorite last summer was this wonderful 80+ year old woman who was walking ahead of my with her doorstop dog, and she stopped to bend down to talk to some 2-3 year old kid she knew. In doing so, the dogs lead extender kicked in and said dog now created a trip wire. Luckily I anticipated this would happen and had dropped to walking pace on the bike so no harm done. It would have been pointless to say/do anything here so I simply continued on knowing nothing was done in a malicious way, just two humans interacting and an opportunistic dog trying to escape granny.

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