
  1. The two jobs are actually different. They slipped it in there on the last post and no one is commenting on it...

  2. That's wrong. A more true comparison would be you get fired from Walmart and 2 weeks later a temporary recruiting company tried to recruit you again for the same job but without the benefits and less pay.

  3. A máquina é sem dúvida mais económico. O programa eco da minha gasta apenas 10 Litros de água por lavagem. Se tiveres a torneira ligada por 2 minutos já supera isso.

  4. Had a situation like this, dude was selling ox and aoa and all that I ask for price for ox said 4kt , waited to get the extract. I didn't know how the new shops worked, he sent me his discord to talk it more, he showed me how to find extract through other shops. He showed me his what he was extracting which was the ox from gabu, got him the extract. Made it to the trade screen and then bop he, dc or I don't know, tried messaging him and my message came in red on discord so chances are he did scam me or I don't know I still have him in my message history

  5. Muitos parabéns pelo prémio, estando desempregado este tipo de posts deixam uma pessoa ainda mais triste, mas fico feliz que tenham conseguido mudar as vossas vidas.. ser pobre é mesmo uma merda

  6. Yup it's one of the things that turned me off from the list

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