
  1. I really don't like saying this but I see an art room in Cole's future. There is just no good reason to leave your wife after a MAJOR accident like she had. But what did Cole do, stay with his friend, while his mother was there with them, and only left once the friend was okay. It's like the guy who was in love with his female best friend but didn't want to risk the friendship, ended the same way this one did.

  2. Thank God someone else said art room; it was in my head the whole time.

  3. What is the reference, if you don't mind me asking?

  4. I'm sure another kind redditor will find a link for you (apologies, I'm on the go right now!) But a guy was posting about how his wife was upset he wanted to make and art room in their house for his very close male friend. He gushed about his male friend, but the only thing we learn about his wife is that she's his wife. No surprise, he discovers he has feelings for his friend and the couple divorce. If I remember rightly, he really annoyed me because he was gushing about how incredible it was to discover he's gay and how much he loves this guy, but not a single thought for his wife who's just had her world turned upside down.

  5. Exactly! My spouse and I both have a couple celebrity crushes we joke we have a hall pass for - it usually runs along the line of "If such person knocked on our door tomorrow, would you want to have sex with them?" and proceeds with a bunch of giggles as A) that precise scenario has no way of happening and B) we wouldn't actually have sex with the person even in we entered fantasy land and the person did show up.

  6. The lead singer of one of my favourite bands hugged me and I couldn't speak properly for half an hour - my husband watched the whole thing, he knows now that, if I ever meet any 'hall passes', those interactions will go exactly the same way.

  7. I just read the headline and immediately went "yeah you're the AH" like I can't think of a legit reason he could have where he wouldn't be the AH

  8. I saw the title on AITA and thought 'should I read this now or wait for it to be crossposted on AITD?'

  9. See, I had the same thing about the initial edgy humour thing. We have quite dark senses of humour in my house but our paedophile jokes are pretty much saying 'check his hard drive' if someone's a bit creepy. Then I read the first few jokes this guy makes...

  10. We just sing a bar from “sweet home Alabama” if we accidentally make a double-entendre while talking to a relative. I think that’s the closest we get. We make WAY edgier jokes than that—we have a road trip game called “spot the meth lab”—but when it comes to THAT kind of deviance, there’s a line. And James has SPRINTED away from it LONG ago

  11. Exactly, even we have some standards. We play spot the grow house where I am - look for the roof all the pigeons are sitting on.

  12. Thats EXACTLY the vibe im getting. OOP probably ALWAYS has something to bitch at her daughter about.

  13. I'm surprised she didn't complain they were the wrong peaches or something.

  14. I guess this is just me being a mature 31 year old but literally NOTHING that has happened on this show has reflected on the girls real life personality to me lol. Like, I'm actually surprised to see people taking this seriously at all. I saw Alexis throw Jaymes and Darienne under the bus and was like "Haha OH THAT ALEXIS, this is just like Season 9 lmao. Good moment. Anyway...," I didn't like, seethe at Alexis Michelle being a bad person in real life, like, obviously its not real life. I can't believe people are like GASP HOW COULD YOU, YOU MUST TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY!! [feverishly clutching pearls]

  15. There are people who have hurt me and caused problems that actually impact my life, and I have never called them out publicly or sent them death threats- it is so strange to me that there are "fans" who'll do this over something as convoluted as this.

  16. Some queens approach untucked like a maxi challenge, and I love it.

  17. "Did you put your name in the goblet of fire?' Asked Dumbledore calmly. This guy took the Gambon approach to that line when he explained calmly, you can guarantee.

  18. I love the lady of the Lake and this seems on brand. I don't mind the concept but it looks a little cheap. Boot

  19. I think that's my issue. I think the idea's fun but she didn't take it far enough. Even some basket ball accessories or something to make it look like a realised concept, not just the beginnings of an idea.

  20. Me, who commented about appreciating her love of chickens yesterday, patting myself on the back: no, thank YOU Miss Fame!

  21. just quoted “change your costume change it around” to my coworker then said “you wouldnt get the reference”

  22. "You didn't get the reference," didn't get me out of mine, and I had to explain to my sister why, when she was telling me about her newfound love of chickens, I said, "come through, Miss Fame!"

  23. Same. This is an online game, we aren't going to stop playing when they log off! Perfect metaphor.

  24. For me the kicker is her reason for taking it is she wants to turn cooking from a chore into something she enjoys. He's deliberately undermining her experience (that I suspect she's paying for)

  25. She's definitely not going to enjoy it now, which makes me so sad.

  26. this post is fake. MILs are contractually obligated to ask about your guest list 50 times before the invites go out. they are also required to question your choices and see if a few of their friends could "squeeze in"

  27. Oh, I don't know. I had a family member invite someone to my wedding without permission/,even asking me. For context, my wedding was very small and intimate (less than 10 people) so that definitely got my back up. Thankfully, the person was busy that day, but still. There was a stressful week of ',fuck, how do we handle this.'

  28. As soon as I got to “I forwarded them to my niece’s and nephew’s emails,” I just went “ohhh nooo.” She done fucked up!

  29. It was the 'she's making all the decisions and not consulting my son'for me. First of all, pot, kettle, back. Second, how does she know her son's not been consulted? I've had this problem before. My in laws often thought that I was the one making unilateral decisions, when, most of the time it was my husband's idea/decision. Some people don't realise their kids are actual people with autonomy to make decisions too.

  30. She’s not even a regular snob she’s an accounting snob, that’s a completely insufferable kind of snob

  31. I worked my way up in accounting, and the comments about accounts receivable rubbed me up the wrong way. Book keeping is essential - you can't do all the other stuff.

  32. I had both of my parents walk me down the aisle. My relationship with my dad still isn't 100% where it was before he dipped out and then came back, but the man keeps not dying so having him and my mom do it made sense.

  33. I'm sorry your dad's in poor health. He sounds like a fighter though, so I'm sure the heavens will have to fall and drag him away to make him miss it.

  34. My mother in law was also very ill at the time, she passed away less than two months after the wedding. We had such a lovely day so I'm glad we did it the way we did it. We're not really party people, neither of us ever did big birthday celebrations and that. Keeping it low key with both sets of parents, my dad's partner, my sister and our roommate meant we could spend time with everyone.

  35. Yeah, my brother and Fsil will be on their honeymoon elsewhere. The rest of the guests are either going home or staying at the original resort. I plan it to be just us two.

  36. Do it, you're not stealing their thunder doing it after the wedding, especially when they're not even in the same country for their honeymoon.

  37. Yeah and as one of the commenters on the original post points out, it’s much easier to take away a pacifier when the kid reaches a suitable age than to take away their hand if the kid self-soothes by sucking on their fingers or thumb instead. My little brother sucked on his fingers for YEARS and basically nothing my parents did could prevent it.

  38. When I was of the age to get rid of my pacifier, it was at Christmas, and my mum told me I was a big girl now, and that there were loads of babies who weren't lucky enough to have pacifiers. So we gathered all mine and put them under the tree for Santa to take and give to all the poor babies who needed them. And, when I got up in the morning, there was a gift with a thank you note from Santa. I didn't ask for a pacifier ever again.

  39. My mom did something similar with my sister but it was the Easter Bunny who needed them for the baby bunnies. Worked really well.

  40. That's cute! I think my mum did Christmas for a lot of things like that because my birthday was January, so it was a good time to check I was hitting developmental goals.

  41. The waywards sub states “infidelity can be traumatic to both parties.”

  42. That sounds like ' Sometimes a murderer catches their hand on the knife while stabbing their victim'.

  43. I was Jade, I had to be the best and get perfect grades and be Valedictorian because to my parents, anything less than perfect wasn’t living up to my full potential… My burnout was during second year of university I went into a depressive downward spiral and ended up on academic probation on and off again until graduation (it’s honestly a miracle I graduated).

  44. Well done for working through your burn out - and with exams too!

  45. Exactly, it happens but people who are unfairly 'cancelled' tend to have been lied about/upset Someone in a powerful position/had their comments taken out of context, etc. OOP clearly thinks this is him, but if anyone can find a context where his comments aren't deplorable, I'd never want to live in that world.

  46. I’ve met Lawrence (casually after a local show, not at a meet and greet). She’s lovely and a hoot!

  47. I met Lawrence at a meet and greet. She was so lively to me!

  48. Seriously this, the subtext of what he said clearly indicates that he was taken advantage of as the minor and is attempting to prevent the same to his minor sister.

  49. I agree, because it was already happening. He wanted to 'see where she lives' so pushed past the first boundary she set. He also lied about his age, so he knows it's wrong.He would stomp on every boundary and walk all over her if allowed to continue. I

  50. Taking a piece of valuable jewelry on and off during your workday is a great way to lose that jewelry.

  51. Husband and I both have chains round our necks (I have his late mother's engagement ring on mine, he has her wedding ring on his). If the ring ever needs to come off, it goes on the chain and tucked under the collar.

  52. She had a pill habit for a while bc of a herniated disk in her back/spine due to a dance injury she got from her dance/choreography days, so she’s probably lying about the plane to create a more “justified “ excuse for her pain pill usage. I feel for her. I think she feels shame over the pills and feels the need to justify needing them, thus creating a more extreme story so people wouldn’t dismiss her pain.

  53. I think youre probably right. I have been addicted to painkillers before - it is something that can bring a lot of shame. I mean, I've never lied about a plane crash but I did find myself making excuses to take them and looking for ways I could disappear for a bit. I don't aprove but I can have sympathy that you don't act your best self with an addiction.

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