
  1. blade dmg to 150 invincible when he dashes his deflect can block (zarya and symmettra beams, not moira mei or winston)

  2. rework: turn deflect into destroy, buff his primary fire to be like zen firerate instead of three round burst. turn secondary fire into a 360 sword swing

  3. Venture does not have "the easiest and most forgiving" burst combo in the game. That would be Cass or Sojourn or Widow or Echo or Ashe or Sombra or any of the characters that can burst down enemies quicker than Venture and at a significantly safer distance.

  4. The problem is that Venture has good splash damage, making the skill floor too low. You can complain about hitscans all you want, but the reality is that hitscans are less forgiving towards bad aim, and you need to expose yourself with line of sight. Aslong as Venture is in range, the player can be braindead af and deal consistent damage, even around corners when you’re trying to evade. Not to mention that they gain shields whilst using abilities??

  5. Venture has iframes once their head is below ground i think, anything before that you can be caught out. You gotta be intentionally react fast or kill them by accident by spray and praying lmao. Its a tiny window, but its a window.

  6. Yeah it’s a bit frustrating seeing her ass stick out of the ground as she’s digging and then shooting or using a cooldown and it does nothing. Then she pops out with 75 shields and has regained a little bit of health again too. Guess i’ll stop wasting my cooldowns trying to get that last bit of damage in

  7. Leaving that air bubble in there could cause an overheat. Cooling systems work by being pressurized, air can compress so it’s almost impossible for the system to get up to pressure.

  8. Do you not see the 2 degas hoses on the top of the reservoir there? These coolant systems are self bleeding. Leave the cap off, let the engine get to temperature and the coolant level will drop once the thermostat opens. Then you just top up the coolant. Easy.

  9. Unfortunately, no. From my experience, you're earning more than you would get with a HNC anyway. The only thing that's going to get you more is a degree. I obtained a HNC in mech eng 5 years ago & currently on 32k as a toolmaker and genuinely struggling to find anything offering more money without a degree or several different qualifications under your belt. That list of potential careers isn't very accurate from my recent searching. You'd be better off doing a part time degree, the HNC doesn't open that many doors. The only difference would be if you live in London as the wage is higher anyway.

  10. It wasn't practical at all, it's not supposed to be. It's an academic qualification as opposed to the BTEC/NVQ route. I'm personally not planning to do a degree at the moment as it wouldn't fit in with my life, but I'm open to doing so in the future. If it's to increase the range of jobs you can apply for, if it's anything like my area, then a HNC won't. Every job I can get around my area with a HNC I could get with a Level 3 qualification as well. Level 4 seems to be sold with a bit of exaggeration as to what it will get you. While it will cost more, if I were in your position I'd just go straight for the degree part time. That will open the most doors, and it will get it over and done with instead of dragging it out and potentially paying more. Unless you're already a proficient machinist, a HNC or degree won't get you a job in that field. Likewise with CAD, unless you train yourself or pay for a specific course (Autodesk, SOLIDWORKS etc), then you won't learn enough to go straight into that field with a job paying more than you're already on. I actually work in a university and the majority of students leave with minimum CAD skills. We'd be better off with a drawing on the back of a fag packet some of the time, and then the ones that want to "have a go" in the workshop pretty much get laughed out. Some people seem to think a 3 year degree trumps a 4 year apprenticeship when it comes to practical engineering. Basically; if you want to earn more than £45k, do a degree part time while earning if you can. The HNC is a pointless stepping stone.

  11. Damn. I’m a bit surprised because literally every course page i’ve gone to emphasises how the HNC is a hands-on focused vocational qualification meant to allow you to go straight into employment, so it does seem like they’re overselling if what you say is true.

  12. As an Audi owner, I do think the big grills look good. a lot of people think it peaked at b8.5 designs where the grill was big but tame. On B9 and above generations, the grills have gotten big but still looks pretty good. some of the recent cars like the recent RS3 have overdone it, it has a RSQ8 like grill on a small rocket sedan and to me it looks hideous.

  13. Honestly, some time around 2012-2016 were the best years for the epitome of Audi design language and styling imo. The B8.5 rs5, TT(R)S 8S, B9 S4, and S3 8V all knocked it out of the park - but Audi are trying too hard now, especially with the fake vents everywhere and overdone headlights. I wish I liked the B9 S5 too, but unfortunately I think the proportions are all wrong and I can’t get on with the weird headlights.

  14. Guy opens 8th gate, Minato teleports to his home, turns on the kettle, waits, pours boiling water into cup ramen, sits down, waits again, eats, teleports back, Guy dead.

  15. My husband eats his apples with the skin on, is this normal? " he's a serial killer! Leave Now!"

  16. I have a personal theory that wider/more square people (in terms of bone structure) have better proportions/architecture for rotational power. Although, there are still that ‘wirey’ and slender type that still hit hard af, so idk.

  17. Blockers aren't child transition... They block puberty until they are able to make a considered decision.

  18. Do you actually think you can just hit pause and then resume whenever you feel like it?

  19. Lets talk about Kiriko countering ults with one button click while we’re at it

  20. I don’t know how they do it but they always manage to suzu someone at the exact moment I dash as Genji. Completely fucks me up lmao. Now i’m out of position with no cool downs and I haven’t even got the elim I risked everything for😅

  21. Just asked the misses to get me one for crimbo

  22. Sodastream and similar are popular with people that care about the environment and want to cut down on plastic use. I’ve saved a lot of money on needless bottled water with mine. Use various cordials and squashes with it. Sometimes treat myself to a posh cordial or those fancy vintage soda syrups.

  23. Nah, I hate buying big ass bottles/crates of cans from the supermarket. Just makes bagging everything and getting everything in the house too much effort. Besides, soda-stream is cheaper and i can make it how I like it (more/less fizzy, or more/less flavour).

  24. Horses for courses with Michael M - I'd always thought he was shite, but I'm now at the family stage where Saturday night TV is a thing. My boys (10 & 7) find him hilarious, and consequently we infectiously join in.

  25. Unfortunately I have 2 family members who have worked in TV that have met him and both have said he’s incredibly rude and mean, which makes it very hard for me to enjoy any of his work.

  26. It’s not ‘good’, but it’s worth keeping up with because it’s just 1 chapter a month (and they’re pretty short chapters for a monthly).

  27. Im super biased but i hated the sym torb and bastion reworks.

  28. My only issue with the new Bastion is his new ult. They took the most poorly designed ultimate in the game (meteor strike) and said, "What if we do it again, but get rid of the risk component." The old tank form ult was honestly one of the most fun ults in the game, and then it was gone.

  29. Yeah honestly I think i’d prefer his old ult back lol. His current ult is just a zoning tool like Deadeye.

  30. Manufacturers are much better at pushing the limits of engines without grenading them. Tolerances have gotten tighter, and engines are stressed a lot more than they were a couple decades ago. Those 50 HP engines probably had more left in them

  31. I wouldn’t say that engines are stressed more. Materials have got better, and with advancements in technology (and thus control over combustion conditions) we’re actually able to react to many more variables from many more inputs and be more precise and efficient. Furthermore, we’re able to manage heat a whole lot better too.

  32. Worked as a tech at Ford for 9 years, left the industry 8 years ago and now earn triple what I used to, best decision of my life. Stay away from the automotive industry people, it’s a horrible place!

  33. As a fellow tech, mate, stop selling yourself short. I can’t believe you will accept £28k a year. What part of the country are you from? I can guarantee I can find you a permanent job paying £38k+. If you are patient or are interested in contracting £45k isn’t unheard of either.

  34. Still he's not the original guy he had a beef with. Just a bystander trying to do the right thing.

  35. How come he didn’t step in before when 2 customers were filming and bullying an employee?

  36. Because he's a bitch, just like his friends. Making threats to the gym worker, no intervention until bluff was called.

  37. My thoughts exactly. No body is in the right here, but I do empathise with the worker, even if he did escalate and lose control of the situation due to his own poor judgement/lack of self control.

  38. Oh nah, they deffo didn’t think about how it would affect other people. So a better solution than just shouting at the guy to stop flashing would probably be to explain to them how the brake light is blinding and a nuisance rather than choosing to take it personal.

  39. Diesel has a much lower evaporation rate than gasoline. Diesel, when injected, will burn as individual droplets vs. gasifying and burning as a fire wave front across the cylinder. So basically, with diesels, you have millions of little islands that are the ideal fuel mix, whereas in gas engines, you need the evaporated fuel to mix consistently.

  40. TIL another difference between petrol and diesel that I was unaware of before. Thanks

  41. Cornere is all good and fun, but what about the straight line performance? That’s the most important part to determine how fun a car is.

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