
  1. How is a part of china,southern vietnam and so much of russia included?

  2. They colored in Yunnan on the map, which may be a reference to the

  3. There will be no exclusiveness in game anymore

  4. Post on vexillology you are unlikely to get a actual answer here

  5. Added story: i've been really weirded out recently, always feeling like im being watched In the mirror I swear I saw a black thing grab my towel to make it fall Same for the thing of my baby little sister, it doesnt fall like that

  6. Please stop posting these low effort posts, everyone has at least 5 rank 25s. I need some originality from this sub

  7. I think Hyperant wants to avoid adding flags associated with terrorist* regimes. Still, I’ve always found the Gadaffi flag interesting lol. G R E E N

  8. Love that Colombia color. Who got the dub?

  9. There should be post-reunification content for Russia

  10. There should be post-reunification content for Turkestan.

  11. Quite the opposite - the left loves giving out rights, like encouraging minors to mutilate their genitalia and take life-altering hormone pills, or allowing women to kill their unborn children in the name of convenience. The left is doing just dandy!

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