
  1. The last dress or the one with the fox head is just gorgeous. You look like you belong in a magical bridal magazine. Even the fox knows it.

  2. It's beautiful, Grecian and elegant. The slit is quite nice as well!

  3. Better to get the illnesses out of the way when one parent is already on leave. Obviously you will need to stay home if YOU are sick, but sending him back when you are both working full time and one of you will have to take PTO is a bad plan.

  4. My three year old always only wants me when he's sick and I'm sure the baby will too. That's why he's convinced I'll lose my job and/or go into LWOP after burning thru PTO.

  5. Either it happens now while he's on leave or in January when he's not able to help. Even of little ones prefer you when they are sick it doesn't always work out that they get you. Luckily their dad will be home to take care of them and snuggle them. Fwiw, my little one was born in November, we all got strep over Christmas break except for the baby, since then we were relatively germ free until August (1 in elementar, 1 in Daycare). In 2021 we were sick for 5 months straight though. You can't really predict how it's gonna go.

  6. My husband is refusing to help if my son goes back to school. He says I can take care of a six month old and work full time. If I do not agree to this then he says our marriage is over

  7. Keep looking. None of these show off your figure well. You look great but you’d look better in a tshirt and shorts than these.

  8. Yes! None of these have the wow factor or are flattering on her.she has a cute figure too.

  9. They are all nice dresses and they look ok on you but I would encourage you to keep looking.

  10. The long black dress looks like maternity wear on your frame. Not flattering unfortunately. The other two look a bit dated.

  11. Five or one! I love the combo of the silky fabric and the embellishments on number 5. Very elegant and flattering!

  12. I hate people, you should pull out a calendar asking when they are babysitting.

  13. Team dress 2! Beautiful, elegant and just gardeny enough. It is the most flattering.

  14. Mine would be hearing the thermos cup he drinks from being filled with water and ice and or soft muttering of him talking to a friend on discord. I’m used to hearing it when I’m going to sleep on Thursday nights since he plays games isn’t his friends then .

  15. Yes! The ice hitting his mug because he's always refilling at odd times.

  16. LMAO - this. Its a miracle my husband's nose is still attached. You would think the guy took a bullet when he sneezes. Scares the shit out of everyone.

  17. Mine will change our daughters diapers but tries to avoid it. Didn't have that issue as much with our son.

  18. Dress 2 is the clear winner. I am not personally a fan of the sleeves. They are not flattering

  19. Might be cautious on buying from SHEIN. Quality concerns coupled with dubious labor practices.

  20. I don't understand why men are so fragile they can't hear the truth. It's not all about sex. It's a total package. Sex with him is awesome but he's so much more than that to you. Other partners don't compare.

  21. Let me start by saying the last dress is stunning. Gorgeous Carrie Bradshaw wow factor.

  22. All of this plus please consider a hair style that involves some type of bang. You have a large forehead. I had a long time friend of 20 years that had a forehead like yours or bigger and she refused to style her hair with bangs. The forehead dominated every photo and overtook the rest of her face. See a good hair stylist for suggestions. You will likely need a cut/style that involves you doing your hair each day - welcome to beauty.

  23. I got an IUD 10 weeks pp. I had a check up two weeks later and the doctor wasn't able to find the strings, had an X-ray a few days later. Turns out the IUD had perforated my uterus and was free-floating in my abdomen. It was surgically removed like two weeks later. The surgeon said in his 25 year career, he had seen it happen less than a dozen times.

  24. It’s a bit dated looking. I could see a great aunt or a grandma wearing this but you’ve got a great figure and could definitely rock something more flattering

  25. Your daughters are not the problem here. Neither is the nanny. Your tunnel vision on your new wife is. It sounds like the only thing she's capable of is getting you thoughtful gifts and complaining about being a step mom. She's 29. You're 45. Your daughters are closer to age to her than you. Let that sink in. Your new wife is behaving like an entitled spoiled brat meanwhile your daughters are floundering. Get your shit together.

  26. Not only that, he married a 29 year old woman who is wildly incapable in even basic house keeping/regular adult upkeeping for herself, nevermind step-children. And I'm not even really ripping on Alicia here, although if it were me, personally, I'd probably want to learn a few things about caring for the children of the man I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with, because in the long run of things, they are also going to become my children (especially when birth mum has passed). I think it's a bit silly that he basically decided to marry the first woman who caught his eye after his late wife's passing, with zero regard to how it'll effect his children as a whole. That isn't to say OP doesn't deserve happiness after his wife passed, he does! Just to say if I had two young daughters who also just lost their mother, I would definitely prioritize blending the family and seeing how we worked as a unit over rushing into a new marriage.

  27. 110%. The girls deserve a loving father. He needs to show them that their needs come first. You guys can't learn to make this soup together? Your new wife can't take them to get mani pedis or spend time with them? This isn't a head problem it's a heart problem. You and your new 29 year old wife are selfish AF.

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