
  1. Snapseed for the phone is pretty fucking slick.

  2. Sex isn't important in a good relationship, but it can help.

  3. just because your mom was in some movies doesnt mean everyone wants to hear about them.

  4. Have a friend in their early 20s who was completely unaware of rofl, wtfbbq and similar language. It broke my heart.

  5. My partner was born in the early 90s, myself in the late. It really depends on the person. 

  6. I fucking miss it so much. All my friends were able to play games together.

  7. just let it be fucking over already. it's the only appropriate move.

  8. Mine came back from frostbite. I have hope for yours! 

  9. I love the intimate laughing. You don't see that in porn.

  10. Don't you dare! My poor mans khan-ur infusion will be revealed! /s

  11. This is somewhere between mold and gold

  12. I miss the John who realized he could be a trickster god. Prankster John is my peak John.

  13. Ya that would be my guess... Should be able to verify if you look at the old file on the file server and right click properties click around the tabs.

  14. Sadly I don't think the company decisionmakers quite understand it beyond making file storage more cost-effective for the service. It's been down to local teams to "migrate" files.

  15. Nothing in SP should be compressing the file per se... Did you guys have file history turned on your file servers?

  16. Perhaps? I'm not in IT, moreso managing frontline staff and service, but that would make sense.

  17. Ended up making friends with coworkers in the 30s demographic. It’s worked out a treat.

  18. They tend to be the "religious" types. When God produces a peer reviewed paper with repeatable experiments proving their theory, we'll listen. Until then.

  19. Nah they set foot in church all the time, the church of the red hat.

  20. You're going to need to think about future proofing so will need to think about a mid range phone rather than a budget phone.

  21. 100% this. Even my iPhone 10 occasionally crashes on initiating routes. Looking to upgrade soon, I hope, then using the 10 as a 2nd account.

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