
  1. Did Riz find the rogue teacher? I feel like he did but then never got a scene with them

  2. They found out the rogue teacher is dead - a ghost - and have a graveyard location which is associated with them. On the one hand, the last stand had a lot more urgency and academically renders the rogue teacher irrelevant (right?). But on the other hand, this teacher could have lots of useful info, not least how on earth Codpiece Cameralens found them/was found (and why that occurred).

  3. It’s been a little while since I did my GCSEs, I am 21 now and at University.

  4. Sorry you got downvoted for doing the right thing and caring so here's an upvote.

  5. Having been in this position, I hope you get the really cool really uncanny feeling when their incorrect pronouns suddenly sound weird and their correct ones feel natural. For a cis like me it felt like a little window into an absolutely sublime thing people are doing, tying language to their identity and not the other way around.

  6. I didn’t mean to imply China is genocide and empire free, the Uighurs, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese are all familiar with China’s capacity for domination. I’m just saying the West and Russia are both currently worse.

  7. I would generally disagree with the characterisation of the west and Russia as "worse" than china in simple terms for various complex reasons (china is structurally terrible but it's imperial goals are right now precluded from being acted upon by economics and nuclear weapons and air defence systems) but it is quite telling that in sheer numbers of deaths right now, the west is sponsoring the most.

  8. And there you have it. Hamas needs to go. If you're protesting for free Palestine and not demanding Hamas surrenders you're part of the problem.

  9. Right but like... Israel is a sovereign parliamentary nation state allied to mine with international treaty obligations and supplied by our arms industry, which is constantly demanding to be treated as a modern western nation, while Hamas is a terrorist group with only an alliance of convenience with anyone as normal and reasonable as the state of Iran. 

  10. I see what you're saying but I disagree that her position is sympathetic. I don't think it's wise to try to exert control over something or someone you have so little knowledge or understanding of. She may care about saving Ame's life but thinking she can just decide to detain her at the citadel and kill the rest of her coven is extreme hubris and paternalism. What gives her the right to do that?

  11. There's a colonial angle to that I suppose. Your position is based on pragmatism, and rationality. Sure, you know you're not perfect or necessarily objectively right, but you do have the greatest set of resources in the world available, you feel you know the best outcome for everyone and if they could just understand they would agree, and you certainly are operating from the only ideology you've encountered which even claims to have it's basis in empiricism and the pursuit of knowledge.

  12. An empire is a centralized government (usually monarchical) ruling over multiple, historically independent regions.

  13. You can certainly say that empires ruled as police states don't last, but the idea that they don't exist is obviously false. Which is a problem for the discussion of umora, because our police state empires collapse because you can't harness vast swathes of fractious territory without autonomy, but that probably isn't the case when you have wizards and teleportation.

  14. Nah I want a true rts game made. Total war stargate would make the most sense. Granted I have the Pegasus chronicles to play but it's not the same lol

  15. Man as a massive Stargate fan and total war fan I can't agree. There are two case in sg-1 I can think of where the kinds of numbers of tauri went on a mission (rescuing brainwashed teal'c, pitched battle with unas, documentary episode) which would constitute a single unit in a total war game - i.e. more than 30 people operating as one unit. There's a homeoworld mod and an empire at war mod you might like, but I really don't know how total war would work.

  16. Also, unit sizes change in total war. Nothing says a unit has to have 30 people. They could realistically do it in total war because of the scaling.

  17. Sure, but the essence of total war is a campaign map which so far has always been planetary with generals and banners and so on, and tactical battles whose essence is formations and pitched army combat which essentially doesnt work after 1880. If you change the campaign map and the tactical system enough to accommodate modern warfare or stargates sci-fi, you may as well name empire at war or company of heroes.

  18. Russia is supposed to have around 5889 nukes (2023 data

  19. Yeah. Honestly as a Brit a non-total nuclear war would be horrific in any case, with only a few nukes having a vast effect on the UK... but the biggest factor for me would be the political inevitability of a western response. It's partly the sheer horror of what it would mean for so many more Russians, and how our world would change going forward.

  20. This is the correct answer; the fighting even stops when DJ Brainz is killed. Later on it's revealed he was hired by the Harvestmen and they were specifically targetting Zayn.

  21. No, but mentioning it specifically in connection with the holocaust, every time you mention the holocaust at the moment, is.

  22. Christ finally. Someone needs to step in every time an American comes up with this contextless bullshit. The United states positioned itself as the only globally dominant military superpower, relentlessly defended its position as such and curtailed the diplomatic and military independence even of it's allies, while pursuing a hegemonic agenda all over the world. It has benefitted enormously from it. What the rest of the world got was undeniable - the end of the British and french empires, and security for everything outside the eastern bloc - but it wasn't asked for.

  23. As always, the response to anyone ever blaming a specific social group for collectively doing a thing is "why are they doing that, do you think?", "why are they like that, do you think?", "why?", until they miraculously hit on some systemic social or economic reason which is the responsibility of public policy, or more likely devolve into "because this group of people is somehow beneath me or degenerate".

  24. But... the issue is within the analogy, there are people who will die without cake. Or alternatively, the posters say "it's okay to eat bread" and there is a genuine stigma about eating bread which has killed people.

  25. And i'm saying, the assurance against Russia that NATO provides (and resulting cultural mingling) has done more for peace in western europe than the EU ever did.

  26. The same nativism that collapses the EU would collapse the four freedoms and many of the economic ties between eastern and western Europe. Western Europe's interests broadly align, you're right, but no EU would damage the motivation anything east of Czechia has in aligning with them and not Russia (or increasingly powers further afield). The rivalries aren't tongue in cheek now and wars aren't unthinkable now because we're all mutually defending ourselves from Russia; it's because Czech students study in Paris and Spanish scientists travel to Warsaw for conferences and the buying power of the immigrant working classes of France and Germany fund development in Bulgaria and Romania.

  27. Alignment with Russia is the least likely alternative for that reason, but recent politics in the eastern EU shows us that when nobody's really suggesting integration into the CSTO or union state, voters are happy to ignore political links to Russian interests it it's euroskeptic.

  28. "The Idpol of feminists, BME people and LGBT people has only "freed" them to take part in this system as fellow wage-slaves."

  29. And to be honest, as someone who sits in only very few categories of disadvantage of identity, but a socialist with little economic power, even only in terms of economics it's highly practical to look to those who in a liberal society are marginalised - even if not the most marginalised economically, necessarily - because they have experience of conflict and resistance and community building in the face of repression. Capitalism has been very effective in reeling in and subsuming subversive culture and providing comfortable minimums and distractions for in-groups, like the classic "white working class" man who classically would form the socialist vanguard and who probably no longer blames his problems on capitalism.

  30. I didn't look into it too deeply because I haven't watched many RLL videos, but a common complaint is that they're often full of misinformation or bad research.

  31. I haven't seen much of reallifelore but their recent video on Scotland and NATO is a real red flag. It's absolutely indicative of cursory research into a subject being presented to an audience as if it's coming from an authority; anyone with any level of background, general understanding of geopolitics will be aware that Scotland's constitutional relationship with the UK will have some strategic impact on NATO's readiness or how it's achieved, but essentially no impact on NATO's overall ability to counter Russia in the north sea.

  32. One, maybe two, especially of the more crypto types of fash? That might not mean anything. People miss things sometimes. A little yikesey, but not conclusive. A following list full of them? Yeah, actually that means quite a lot. It means the person is seeking to hear what specifically that kind of person has to say.

  33. I missed them. I'm not like, in his discord or anything but I've seen all the videos and paid some attention, but that's sort of the thing about dogwhistles.

  34. I found it quite amusing as a big fan of breadtube but also of IH to see the tactics of his defenders. I was accused in the comments several times of being so woke I was disconnected from reality, which is odd because as I and many others noted, lots of us tolerated what we only really detected as internet alt-right irony that most people (always-online, politically careless*) engage in and the thing that actually persuaded us IH had so little integrity was the plaigiarism. The HB video doesn't even actually accuse him of much, just using these jokes and dogwhistles to create an audience that he wasn't worried were Nazis.

  35. The historical association between witches and women in english is somewhat coincidental - sort of. It's a reflection of the fact that the medieval concept of a witch (in England and the new England colonies) can be considered to mean "a person who has made a pact with the devil for personal power" - whatever gender. Issue is that women often filled the role of "cunning woman" or "wise woman" - folk healers and magical experts, and to Christian authorities or unfriendly neighbours this was ripe for accusations of witchcraft. Women who were literate also dealt with a great deal of suspicion. Women' sexuality also generally is perceived as dangerous, especially by male religious authorities, and plays beautifully into ideas of selling something to the devil.

  36. Right so as a consequence of this I (cis man) came to Reddit to find trans people to ask: "should this be my final straw?"

  37. The UK govt probably wouldn't use the veto, but who knows if an American veto wasn't available - our arms industry alone can't accept sour relations with israel. I don't like it, but the fact is American opinion on the matter isn't totally disconnected from the rest of the world; the Tories are on board.

  38. I was ranked #2 at counterstrike at my rather large university in the ancient times. Someone pointed it out in class, I didn't even know there was a ranking. Fair to say, I had a rather large number of guys chatting me up for a few weeks. So yeah, kind of a big deal.

  39. The rather healthy advice of "find someone with mutual interests who you admire" has had some.. adverse effects on female gamers

  40. You should write a short smutty story about that. Maybe put it in a bookshelf somewhere. For people to find, you know.

  41. Your second register related mistake in a month... Having worked there a month. Seems to me you haven't been adequately trained to be left dealing with returns and exchanges alone. However, hiding your mistake is a big no-no; computer POS systems often have ways of telling which staff member has done a certain thing. My professional advice would be to... remember what happened... and tell someone ASAP.

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