
  1. That would be interesting if they did do a week where your blueprints are discounted

  2. You should be able to trade 5 blueprints to build one at least

  3. They married first. She found out he cheated, when they BOTH found out about the child at the same time, due to him being sued by "Affair Partner" She is not a step parent. She's a betrayed wife, that's doing herself wrong by staying, but she's still not a step parent. Step parent implies that the child is from a previous relationship. Not the outcome of infidelity. She didn't restrict him on seeing said "Affair Child". She has the right to not want anything to do with said child. She could be moving in the shadows, on why she hasn't left him yet. We don't know anything about their financial situation. She could be playing it smart, and watching her words in case the post is found. The plus side to your view point, is that with your lack of knowledge about the consequences of cheating(aside from the obvious solutions), shows you're not that kind of person.

  4. Try again… doesn’t matter when he had a kid if you’re married to someone with a kid you’re a step parent.


  6. Yeah every time I go into OT after doing something amazing my team does the most braindead shit, like double committing, too.

  7. Mine says pay a fee then get a sr22 so I assume I do those things first then apply for a license?

  8. If that’s the case Then is only suspended. You can get sr22 (idk if that’s the same as sr24) insurance through most places with out a car.

  9. UGGH. You have a Hobosexual. Basically a dude who can't support himself so they attach themselves to some dense as a brick woman so they aren't homeless.

  10. None of them can support themselves it’s why they have a roommate in the first place…

  11. It's very common all over the world other than very traditional conservative cultures.

  12. Nothing wrong with roommates, but op clearly can’t support themselves or they would’ve moved out a while ago:

  13. Yup probably gonna take new pictures in the clean and tidy units to list it

  14. Most states you have to give them permission to take any extra money outta your check like that. Definitely call your states labor board

  15. Be a responsible adult and don’t hit random pens or bowls without knowing the contents. It’d be one tif he offered it to the house sitter but if they’re snooping sounds like learned to FAFO

  16. That doesn’t take away from the fact that leaving drugs out is irresponsible.

  17. It’s irresponsible if it’s like fentanyl or there are children around, but I’m not going to blame a guy for not thinking to lock up his DMT to prevent his friend from hitting a random pen they found without even thinking what was in it.

  18. It’s always irresponsible to leave illegal substances out in your house don’t be dense.

  19. its not trespassing unless theres a sign/fence or he was told to leave

  20. Lmao why did you get downvoted? It’s public property yeah he doesn’t have a right to mow it but walking on a grass area by the road isn’t trespassing.

  21. Yes some kids are raised extremely religious… I said this earlier…

  22. And what obligation do the rest of us have to deal with their severe mental illness?

  23. Almost 30 been tripping probably 15 years I only really trip lsd 2-3 times a year now. Easier to find time for shrooms trips but still love lsd more

  24. I've quite often seen speed bumps a recipe for disaster, but that's because people like to speed. She said there was a speed bump in front of a parking space though, which I've never seen. Honestly, why would there be a speed bump right in front/behind a parking spot, seems kind of dangerous.

  25. It’s probably not a speed bump but a concrete rectangle that stops you from pulling up to much 😂

  26. They probably mean they don’t have extra payroll hours to give to anyone. Let people know you can cover their shifts if they need a day off if that’s allowed at dt

  27. Fellow dissenter here, the only major issue I have is with him strolling into their bedroom - particularly without knocking. He shouldn't even consider waking them.

  28. lol yeah the whole time I was like wow I want a friend like this and then that part was weird.

  29. I have major sinus issues. The shower is the best place to clear it out lol

  30. I agree the showers the best place to get a good cough session in, and I don’t think I have sinus issues

  31. Can I just wait it out, then? If they're working on paying out what wasn't paid, then it's not really worth it to cause a fuss if it'll just get in this week? Granted, I don't like it...but not much I can do.

  32. Worse case scenario talk your states labor department. No need to sue they’ll get you your last check.

  33. Not helpful but pleaser for the love of everything, record it, even just as audio in your pocket! Please!

  34. If someone tells you to record something you told them you’re about to do it’s probably a bad idea lol…

  35. Oh for sure, or if it’s like for safety or something.

  36. Lmao idk if filming anything makes it any safer, maybe a what not todo osha safety video

  37. That makes no sense. Are the 17-20 year olds just not allowed at all? They aren’t missing much though, we found MoA very underwhelming.

  38. Sounds 17-20 year olds can be there by them self’s or with others 17+ The 15 year old had to be with a 21 year old.

  39. Sorry, but no. The reason dg has such shit managers is because they pay shit pay. I have no clue what a Casey's is, but if they only pay that much for such a huge job with such little support in terms of hours, then they deserve shit managers as well.

  40. Sorry but no what? Are you saying DG doesn’t pay an average of 47k for SM?

  41. I do think it's great that the son stuck with it and tried again. There's no reason OP can't be proud of him, too. They just shouldn't be comparing them like that. You don't need to tear someone else down to build another up.

  42. I inferred it from the /s tag. Sorry if that was incorrect.

  43. 20$ if you spend it on tacos and bring it to me at work would be life changing

  44. That's not how things work around here, you are supposed to throw your common sense out the window and assume they are handling something in the worst possible way unless they specifically say otherwise.

  45. Obviously the sister well wear a ski mask to hide the fact that she’s not who they hired.

  46. If it makes you feel better my 4 year old does that. Take solace in knowing you’re dealing with an adult child

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