
  1. Seems like you don't understand basic English phrases, seeing as i said "highly doubt." Which implies I DOUBT he was rolling on fresh lawn, not STATING he wasn't. Understood? Or is that too much for you?

  2. Tell me, is pregabalin stronger than gabapentin? What is it like? I tried getting on a script in rehab. Didn't work out whereas gabs did(and outside of rehab)

  3. Way way stronger and better. I warn you though, once I got pregabs I got addicted fast.

  4. Tehe I’m addicted to crack so bad my bum gets reemed out twice daily for $20 to get more crack tehe

  5. No but seriously. There was an older guy who pretended to be my uncle so he could gain fwb status with me, not really but I can enjoy a big stimulant dose but I'm not that guy and my parents got divorced so downers it is

  6. I heard weed makes you part of the LGHDTV+ community.

  7. Little does he know that’s the same laced hydro that killed his father. #fentoverdose

  8. Definitely break a vertebrae in your neck. Then you’ll literally feel no pain from the neck down for the rest of your life. No prescription needed.

  9. I used to own a cabin near Robyn Regehr and what may surprise you is that he likes to jet ski.

  10. i definitely had an episode. i’ve been fine these past few months and the only thing i did was take a puff off a joint. so….yeah it’s def CHS

  11. Sounds like prodromal to me. I’m sure episodes are different for everyone, but typically they include a lot of throwing up and severe stomach pain. I’d quit either way

  12. I used fetty to taper off heroin. Then boofed XR Narcan to get off the fetty. Pretty seamless transition tbh.

  13. i actually quit weed by getting addicted to dope no jerk. got so tired of smoking weed, getting too stoned, and thinking i was ODing on the heroin (i was but that’s another story)

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