
  1. I thought I was weird for instantly thinking about Never Let Me Go but glad to see it mentioned. It just has this school-like nostalgia but also different from any school I ever went to.

  2. Beautiful and just what I needed to hear. I always look forward to your posts.

  3. No and they’ve stated this a thousand times across socials

  4. I just recently learned about this brand so I didn't know, but thanks for letting me know!!! ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  5. Even without the fancy box the full set looks cute! I took pictures when I opened the box. Seeing the polishes together is visually very nice. So if you want the full set, it will still be a pleasant unboxing πŸ’œ hopefully that helps soften the FOMO from the heart box

  6. I was just talking to my coworkers about this guy yesterday. They said he was given a truck which I didn't know about but is awesome. I wonder if he's tired of drinking Ocean Spray yet? πŸ˜›

  7. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I got this notification and was confused what comment I left.

  8. Just passed this Northbound. Looks terrible. Long debris field. I saw a 2 mangled motorcycles, overturned van and a trashed jeep. Drive carefully.

  9. I passed it as well and I couldn't believe the state of the Jeep. The traffic went on for miles. I was definitely more cautious after that.

  10. A leather cream (they are oil based) will get sunscreen off.

  11. I always mention Youth Assistance Coalition as well but they wouldn't be able to take large amounts as they're more of a center. Not a shelter. Worth a shot though!

  12. I miss the old Z90 and the Matt Diablo morning show on 91X.

  13. Why did my brain also think of this album cover immediately? :p

  14. It's actually been a fear of mine to be attacked while at an ATM. It feels so vulnerable and so many people have mental health issues these days. I hope the woman makes a full recovery.

  15. For all of my migraines to end and for my neck pain to go away.

  16. Thank you. These are actually 2 different diagnoses and happening for different reasons but I appreciate you looking out. ✌🏼

  17. all of the pictures I have of my void are my favorite pictures of my void

  18. Untreated cavities can lead to death iirc, also maybe mouth cancer counts as "teeth"? King's Evil was called that because supposedly a member of the royal family could cure it by touching the patient...

  19. Tooth abcess can eat through bone and get into the brain. It happened to a friend of mine. He survived, thankfully.

  20. I go to Macy's. I downloaded their app, like a few things and will regularly check the price so I can buy it at its lowest. If you don't like the item in person you can return it in-store.

  21. I think you should visit City Hall and ask about the laws regarding prop weapons.

  22. I love $5 Sprouts sandwiches. It's my corporate lunch though so probably not what you're looking for. Please try it sometime though.

  23. I rewatched the HP movies as an adult and was perplexed by how much I was turned on by him. Did not think I would like his character that much. πŸ€”πŸ€£

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