
  1. A wheelchair is $15 btw. Incredibly reasonable.

  2. And is carting an empty wheelchair around the park all day while you’re also pushing a stroller and wrangling a toddler also “incredibly reasonable”? It’s not just about the cost, although asking someone to spend $15 for something they don’t need isn’t reasonable at all.

  3. I agree, leave the stroller and kid at home.

  4. She’s an AH just for this: “Me has a married son we will call him Mark who is married to my wonderful DIL.” You’d think a 60-year-old would know how to write.

  5. Pretty much. You can watch stuff like ufc fights there and play trivia. My friend used to work at one so we would go to support her and it honestly was not a big deal.

  6. They have really good fried pickles. I don’t eat chicken, and the whole objectifying-women-thing is kind of gross, but it is a fun place to go with a group of girls (my sorority sisters and I celebrated several birthdays there ages and ages ago.)

  7. Yea, and y'all read Playboy for the articles. *cough

  8. Yes, sorority girls are very well known for reading Playboy.

  9. I’ve seen Goofy and Mickey (maybe Donald, too, I can’t remember) climb Matterhorn. There were definitely non-character climbers too!

  10. It’s the same God, just a really messed up interpretation of it. It’s not like they’re saying Zorp is God, it’s the same one from the Bible, they just think other things are real, too.

  11. So “messed up” it is no longer an accurate view of the biblical God. If I say “oh yeah I have a pet cat. It barks and looks like a dog and acts like a dog, but I have a cat”, I don’t have a cat. Even if I call it a cat, I actually have a dog.

  12. I think it would be great to be apart of all cults. “A part” of, on the other hand…

  13. It isn't necessarily a big part of his life. It can be something that he does occasionally. Or to put it another way, something he does, not who he is. Like listening to Phish. I've never had a discussion with my wife that a few times a year, I listen to Picture of Nectar. I'm sure she knows, because it has come up on shuffle in the car a few times. Because it is something I do occasionally, but doesn't define me in any way. Crossdressing doesn't have to be a defining characteristic either.

  14. And if you lie about that because you don’t think your spouse would approve, why are you married to that person? Shouldn’t you marry someone you can trust with all of you? It doesn’t have to be a defining trait, but it’s still something that’s being hidden.

  15. Reading is a skill - this is not about the 'cross dresser's' wife - so all the shock is a bit ridiculous, Creating drama from nothing.

  16. I’ve been talking about the commenter who discovered her husband had hidden his cross-dressing from her when she was 4 months pregnant. My comments weren’t about the OP. OP needs to stay out of it, it’s not his wife’s business. She doesn’t need to know if her dad cross-dresses or not. But between a husband and a wife, yeah, it should be shared.

  17. Science is not a belief system. It's like saying you believe in grammar.

  18. The Venn diagram of people who don’t believe in science and who don’t believe in grammar is a circle.

  19. well there sure not making any money from disney+ and the tv shows viewership has decreased with every new show

  20. “The Walt Disney Company announced a revenue of 88.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2023, up from 82.7 billion U.S. dollars a year earlier – an annual growth of over seven percent. Of this revenue, over 40 billion U.S. dollars was generated in its media and entertainment segment in 2023.”

  21. i said there not making money from disney+ not that there not making any money from anything else

  22. I don't know the laws around it, but I imagine most doctors would refuse because it's fucked up

  23. I think if it’s written out in an advance directive, then it may be okay, but otherwise I can’t imagine it would be ethical or legal.

  24. Nah, he spent enough time in the bathroom to get the shit out. But apparently it’s still on his hands 🤢

  25. I was so shocked when she said 25. I'm 25, and I can't even think about how it crazy it would be to have a full teenager as a (step) son

  26. It was in a baby bump group. “February baby”. So she likely has a newborn, and a 14-year-old step child. So the teenager has a stepmom who is 11 years old than he is, and a new baby sibling who is 14 years younger. And stepmom reacts like this.

  27. It has nothing to do with affording; it sounds like she's not working. It sounds like she's super covid conscious and he was going to her for functionally home remedies.

  28. Eh, he could’ve Googled that for free too. And it said she was looking for FT employment, she could be working part time. Either way, he used her for, at the bare minimum, emotional labor.

  29. Okay gotcha. Thanks for the info, I never really thought of it that way. I always thought of it as a slur. My one gay friend never really uses that word.

  30. As a member of the trans community (I’m non-binary), I’ve never heard anyone say “that cis”. Maybe “that cis person” but that’s not a slur, it’s an adjective. Maybe I’m biased, but I think queer people can come up with more creative insults than that.

  31. I mean even though homosexual is a technical term, isn't calling a gay person a "homo" considered a slur?

  32. It depends on how you use it. If you are a gay person and you call yourself a homo, it’s fine - many gay people have reclaimed this term. If you are a straight person and you refer to a gay person as “that homo”, then it’s almost always a slur (the exception would be if the person is your friend and gave you permission to use it, like how in Mean Girls, it’s ok for Janice to say Damian is “almost too gay to function” but it’s not ok for Regina to say the same thing.)

  33. It's a fruitcake smorgasbord right now because of this whole Rapture on the 8th business. They're out there looking for anything and anyone to proselytize to so they can rack up those last minute Jesus points. Don't want to miss out on that upgraded cloud mansion package because you're 1 convert low when St. Peter tallys the numbers at the gate because, heaven forbid, get stuck in the "poors district".

  34. Was there the same buzz about a rapture during the eclipse in 2018? Or do all these fruitcakes forget that eclipses happen every couple of years?

  35. Forgot that not believing in evolution was a thing.

  36. Or that apparently evolution means we came from monkeys.

  37. Just hold the baby. You can’t get both of you cleaned all the way unless there is a third person in there to help, but if you’re just doing it to rinse off, or to sit in steam (to clear out a stuffy nose or something) it’s fine.

  38. Is this a real question? Obviously the renaming is a joke but yes Hunter is most definitely a macho name. A person who hunts…..

  39. Why is hunting “macho”? Throughout history, women have hunted, and not just humans. Is Archer considered a “macho” name? More men have historically been archers than women have, at least when it comes to war/defense. I’m sure I could come up with other examples, too, but I’m running late for physical therapy, so maybe later.

  40. every TV sub i'm in (actually almost every sub) gets the same questions over and over as new people come in.

  41. Yeah, it happens with shows that are over, there are only so many topics that can be discussed. If I see something a billion times (cough Humilk cough) I just scroll past. There’s no reason to be rude.

  42. When Beane let Jeremy Giambi go, that was a modification to his "by the numbers" plan. He learned that there is a point where it is still about the people....not just numbers.

  43. The statistical analysis… it’s so beautiful.

  44. "How did they miss the iceberg for so long?"

  45. And it was nighttime with almost no wind, so there were no waves against the bottom of the iceberg. If it was fiction, editors would send it back for being too unbelievable.

  46. She has zero remorse, is rude in her comments, and somehow manages to make it seem like he was the rude one. I would recommend she gets therapy, but she told the commenter on the OG post that maybe needed therapy instead so I don’t think she is 27.

  47. Is she really 27 if she bullied him in middle school but it was 10 years ago? Kids leave middle school at age 13 or 14.

  48. she said "over ten years ago". some people just never grow up, it is very believable that this woman is 27.

  49. A number of theologians are now suggesting that the sin that “brought down” Sodom and Gomorrah wasn’t actually homosexuality, but pride and child sex abuse. So it’s not the LGBTQ that needs to watch out, it’s the Republicans.

  50. I support the sentiment of your comment, but since pride is probably the most important adjective to the LGBTQ+ community and reactionaries favourite lie about the community is that child abuse is rampant within it, this is probably just more fuel for them.

  51. Yeah, straight people consider pride more important to the LGBTQ community than the community does, except maybe in June. Hubris might be a better word to use, but I’m not sure how many Republicans know what hubris means.

  52. Just FYI, most disabled people don’t like being called “handicapped”. It’s an outdated term and kind of insulting. Some people might be okay with it, but only use it if they tell you it’s ok. Otherwise, use “disabled”.

  53. When my now 9-year-old was about 2, he told me I was his best friend. My heart totally melted.

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