

  2. What are these sprites from? They're so cute!

  3. Junimo cart lava is harder than mushrooms

  4. "Love" how the post is tagged with [NO HATE] as if that does literally anything.

  5. I love modern journalism! You will consume your AI slop articles that bury fan-made wikis under irrelevant nonsense and you will like it!

  6. The fundamental thing is that art is about communication. Across every medium, skill level, and individual artist, there is always a message in art; intended or not. Computer-generated works are soulless, nothing is being communicated.

  7. Pretty sure the ancient Romans didn't have cars...

  8. Good god that's actually perfect, and so so evil!

  9. You say "what happened?" like it decreased in quality. It's always been slop...

  10. When can we have the rainbow back? The alphabet community didn't even ask

  11. The level of entitlement to think you get to decide who can identify with a rainbow. You don't own colour dipshit.

  12. ADC just needs to be deleted as a role, nobody likes having to hit someone 8 billion times while being careful to dodge every skill shot because if a slight breeze hits you then you fucking explode.

  13. Gotta fucking love the word "probably", we can't be sure that the millions of people forced off their land without any supplies are starving, but they MIGHT BE. Good thing the IDF keeps bombing the shit out of the aid trucks, there might be Hamas in that bread!!!

  14. What type of delusion do you need to suffer to think that Pal World could have been GOTY???

  15. As opposed to coal power plants which contain zero concrete...

  16. Love how they always say "we", as if they did any of that

  17. Why would you pick this artist of all people to make an anti-trans comic out of?

  18. People like articles because they're informative and well-written, not because they agree with the content...

  19. Maybe its a dumb concept then to have things like that on serious news articles

  20. No? Because it shows the new station what type of coverage is best received by the public, so they can better tailor their presentation of issues. You really just went of a gut reaction for this one didn't you?

  21. I am not being charitable to bigots, just because my political standings are different from yours does not mean I should be hindered from playing the same game as you from the other side of the Earth. I am not racist, I am not a homophobe.

  22. I didn't state my political beliefs, I never said you shouldn't be allowed to plag valorant. I never called you any names. It's insane how defensive you get the moment you're even slightly challenged. You didn't even try to defend the points you originally made, instead you defaulted to defending your right to hold a bad opinion.

  23. Buddy you've been on this trip for a while, maybe chill tf out and read some literature before you make another 50 comments about how its morally wrong for a non binary character to exist.

  24. It is honestly breathtaking and inspiring that this game is solely one man's creative vision. Seeing how this game has become so huge purely because of how charming and well-made it is warms my heart.

  25. It should be "nobody cares" in the sense that it's a detail about the character and nothing more, rather than "nobody cares" in the sense that they very much do care and can't stop shitting and crying about it.

  26. The fucking nerve to be a minority advocating against the rights of others. Do you ever think that they it awake at night scarred shitless thinking of when their mob will turn on them? I mean even Ben is Jewish, they'll come for him eventually.

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