
  1. "I’m overweight and am finding the aspect of moving everything insanely tiring".......... well yes? That's quite normal because you aren't used to it. Just move out and have and make your own space. It's better to try and stand on your own now and be able to fail then to wait 40+ (or maybe even more) years and be forced to move out because your parents aren't able to take care of you anymore.

  2. Not exactly the kind of advice I was looking for but thanks I guess.

  3. 37/38 by the time the very last time skip happens

  4. He’d be mid 30’s in season 4 though

  5. I want one but I honestly don’t see how or why they would do it

  6. Just continue the story until you get to do free roam for the gifts. For the survey missions they are located from one of the three people standing in the centre of the main hub.

  7. No Way Out is a favourite of mine. But probably the Prison or All Out War is better.

  8. Hannes made me cry, he had so much compassion towards the kids and died with all his courage intact.

  9. Same, every time I watch that scene I end up crying

  10. They put they’re whole Grellussy into this scene

  11. Ian Dietrich - I would have loved to have seen him become a second in command to Pyxis, without him Trost would have never been sealed. I know he sacrificed himself but I feel like he would have been such an asset to humanity in those times.

  12. Theory based on the season 3 part 1 ending song

  13. It makes me love him so much more than I already do

  14. Couldn't agree more about Sarah, I hate how she thinks shes superior to everyone.

  15. Melanie is infinitely better, Sarah thinks she’s all that but she’s just plain rude.

  16. Hey don’t insult the banana costume man, she’s adorably out of touch.

  17. That said, TV Governor had an incredibly unsatisfying end. Brian at least got retconned into feeling himself being eaten alive.

  18. Didn’t he get shot in the head by Lily in the comic though? He would have already been dead before she kicked his body to the walkers.

  19. That fate was retconned in the novels that take place from Lilly’s POV. She shoots him in the head, yes, but it doesn’t instantly kill him. It paralyzes him, so he feels the roamers tearing him apart.

  20. Well that’s good to know I guess hahaha, thanks for the info

  21. “If we kill all our enemies over there, will we truly be free?”


  23. I wish he survived instead of Floch, he was such a cool character.

  24. For some reason, it feels like Marlo died as a hero while Floch lived to become a villain

  25. That’s a great way to look at it, Marlo truly was a hero especially considering he took charge the moment he saw Erwin go down and didn’t falter for a second, inspiring his comrades to continue the charge. I feel like given the chance and the development that he would have made an excellent commander to the survey corps.

  26. Every single time I watch Hannes die I either tear up or full on cry. It’s such an amazing scene with how Eren reacts after and then the music later with the picture of him and EMA destroys me.

  27. Jill got me feeling butterflies man

  28. No, only for static things like the apps/brawler/Fishtank etc. Free roam events are never the same, so except for some basic things like moving between scenes it'll never be the same code-wise.

  29. What about for free roam events that use an already used location, like the DIK house?

  30. I am 22. Male. And i feel ashamed that I'm still a virgin

  31. I’m right there with you bud, I’m 22 as well. It sucks not being able to take part in conversations with the guys about it, hearing them talk about only makes me feel worse too. I feel like I’ve missed out on so much. I know I’m a good guy but I’m also not thickheaded enough not to know that it’s my looks that makes people not be interested in me. I keep trying to do things to change it but every time I do life just kicks me back down. I just wish someone could see me for me but I know that’s a lot considering todays society.

  32. I would say the only thing that kinda contradicts that is his backstory episodes. Other than that, I see where you’re coming from but I would consider him more True Neutral.

  33. i dont know what the hell any of those even mean. Can someone explain the titles? Getting mad at myself

  34. Bertholdt - “My name’s Bert”

  35. Chaotic Good: Dot Pixis/Sasha Blouse

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