
  1. Well the bible basically says jesus is god in several places. Calls jesus the alpha and omega, first and last, the bible also says in acts 4: 11 Jesus is

  2. maybe looking for meaning in a cobbled “book" is the problem and JWs are just an extreme version thereof?

  3. They are all delusional idiots?

  4. The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. Alternate history that imagines the Black Plague killed 99% of Europeans (instead of 33%), paving the way for Asia to be the dominant culture of the northern hemisphere. The book covers almost a millennia after the Black Plague.

  5. OP asked for historical fiction, not alternate history/scifi

  6. As someone who mostly read sci-fi/fantasy, I just recently finished Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It's really good.

  7. Good recommendation but I'd add the additional books in the series felt unnecessary. Perhaps The Evening and The Morning and World Without End are worth it. Column of Fire and The Armour of Light were kind of all over the place and didn't hit for me.

  8. Diners along historic route 66 in Oklahoma were known for them but the tradition goes a bit further back even.

  9. It makes me sick but it costs money and is new!

  10. Olive Garden serving onion rings now?

  11. It has Chris Pratt post Parks and Rec. You have answered your own question.

  12. I trust no one. My family was the weird one that didn't fit in even among them. Only DA person in the family. It's like a triple outsider complex. I'm 46 and only just now figuring out how to feel like a person.

  13. I just wrote about it: Darth Maul vs Qui-Jon and Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace

  14. A scene being exciting in an otherwise average movie doesn't qualify imo. To each their own.

  15. This is why piracy will never die

  16. you see, if i look up reasons why hes hated im gonna get only reasons hes hated and sometimes people get carried away and exaggerate things that happened to make their point so i decided that asking the community would be a fairer response

  17. Yeah because asking a bunch of people on Reddit will always be a survey of fair and reasonable.

  18. With this amount of sarcasm poured over absolutely nothing, you seem to be 15.

  19. Did you just say "I know you are, but what am I?" for the OP?

  20. Friendlies? Yeah, I kill them for not playing the game. . .

  21. More like a comedy without the comedy.

  22. I actually envy you. fully recognize this is not a fun or ideal scenario for you.

  23. This might be one of the few worthwhile posts on this sub

  24. That's a no for me. This dude is an okay writer and obviously a comedians comedian.

  25. I don't skip the episode but definitely that scene.

  26. Stand By Me. All time classic, only a hour 29. Love that movie.

  27. There was a show called "Breaking Bad" that followed a similar trajectory.

  28. This is pretty salient. I think most "prestige shows" were really ones were the creator had a complete story in mind before it ever got picked up. Shows

  29. WEEDS. We’re initially supposed to sympathize with the recent widow and by the end of the series everyone is an asshole!

  30. It's also just a bad show after season 3. The writing was terrible.

  31. It's okay. Write your book. No one's going to read it, anyway.

  32. Did a bot do it while screaming racial slurs?

  33. When I’m feeling crazy I sous vide my proteins ahead of time and defrost to sear and eat. Works pretty well.

  34. I'm sure work OPs $15 weekly budget, this is a totally viable option

  35. Tbh I thought it was the same guy each time I didn’t even look

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