
  1. This is going to be a hot take. But just buy the Voldis power pass for 1000 RC, get your free brel gear, auto 1520.

  2. Nice humble brag. Is that all you know how to post?

  3. Godzilla has been in the movie for over two decades and is still the best thing to ever come to life.

  4. I played with an artist that spoke just like you yesterday with atrocious uptime. whom we gave a chance even though super low roster.

  5. Yes, anyone thats not Pistoleer should not be using it

  6. It is one of the Dominion WF aero meta builds, so, them too.

  7. I got the dreamer title yesterday, but holy hell even G3 normal is making me want to quit. I just am having a hard time and thinking hard is still required for transcendence makes me feel like this game is no longer a manageable game for me.

  8. Take your time. We don’t need to rush. Do echidna normal when it comes out, easy 1630, then move to Theamine HM. It’s week one my friend. It’ll get better.

  9. THIS IS IT. You are incredible. I was way off in so many ways.

  10. You should also check this version, so groovy!

  11. Ooooh thank you for the excellent suggestion. It’s really good

  12. Hmmm I'm still not sure, the idea of stop playing the game is getting stronger (I can't go pass g2 hm, the parties I joined fail almost right in the end) but doing 1/2 hm 3n sounds fine, now, I have 3 sups (1-1620 and 2-1610, the plan is to push the last 2 to 1620) I think I'll keep doing brel with them and do 1-2 when I feel like doing it. Progging all day is killing the game for me, I feel burned out, I think I made a huge mistake :sweat:

  13. I did it! My girlfriend and I are ACTUALLY having sex! She said later tonight!!!!!!!

  14. Thanks to Poyo i was able to reach max transcendence and levels on my gear in one shot.

  15. Bro really post it again after it removed 💀

  16. You aren't getting 5-6 mil dps from a few armor taps.

  17. Surely we will get it a month after for the May patch. Remember folks, skins are content. /s

  18. are you supposed to run out of gold even with super express or did I do something wrong? I had like 7k gold from before, started playing now, didn't notice honing started to cost gold with Brel gear. I see Descend into Darnkess will give gold, but it's at 1540 and I'm currently at 1528, am I supposed to clear Brel raid now? are there any other options to get gold for me now?

  19. Life skill, unas, and all raids that you can do. Best paying are Brel, clown, and Vykas for your level.

  20. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs spray on shoes looking ass

  21. Nothing of note outside them confirming the Mage Balance Patch will be included in the patch.

  22. False. HP and DEF Coefficient changes as well.

  23. So much positivity in this thread. Keep it up friends.

  24. Take a note from FFXIV (SMN/SCH) where you create a class where one of the engravings is full support and the other engraving is full DPS. Tripods can change how a skill works to a large extent already so it wouldn't be too bad. Or the more expensive Gem route would be that there is enough skill bloat for every class that you could use an entirely separate 8 skills.

  25. I'm in the less than 100k group. Those who only focus leggos are wasting gold.

  26. whatt bro i legit dont know what ur talking about rn, am i an academic failure??? /srs btw

  27. Genuine curiosity - are people really going to play female Paladin if it gets announced? Everyone gripes about how the current Paladin is a one-dimensional, boring, snooze fest support class that takes no brains to play. So is slapping a pair of tits on a Paladin really going to make everyone suddenly change their mind about the class?

  28. Imagine if he incorporated the crystals from Hollow Earth into his body. Massive crystals protruding from his shoulders with some anti-gravity abilities

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