
  1. Hans Zimmer started composing the soundtrack in his head when he initially read the books as a teenager. He always had a strong notion of what the soundtrack should sound like, and his concept was so important to him that he never watched the David Lynch film OR the mini-series adaptations because he didn’t want them to spoil his ideas. Keep in mind that he had no idea if he would ever actually get to work on an adaptation of the books.

  2. I don't watch most adaptations of my favourite books to keep my mind version too, and I don't expect to work on any of them ever.

  3. il faut remplacer ou démonter / poncer / repeindre entièrement les deux morceaux rayés (sinon ca se voit)...

  4. It’s legally a religion, run by people that want to demonstrate to other Americans that “maybe” trying to inject religion into everything might not be cromulent.

  5. eyh, you're still alive. cool. not that I was worried or anything.

  6. achetée à qui ? 90% de chances que ca soit la batterie morte pendant l'hivernage.

  7. Heu, si elle démarre mais qu'elle s'éteint quand on met les gaz, c'est pas la batterie.

  8. sur une 50cc il est aussi possible qu'il n'en ai pas du tout, mais j'ai déjà eu le cas ou ca mourrait a l'accélération à cause de la batterie HS, si.

  9. mashiba been giving us the best fights since his introduction

  10. It's been Hajime no Mashiba for a while, and I don't mind.

  11. why do people have to post publicly on reddit for you to resolve this in the first place?

  12. I recently wrote a script that plugs into a terraform deployment for mongo cloud manager, to set up the clusters. also a lambda to do slack to github / jira / aws. did it once for a legacy gitlab migration to set up the new instance as well...

  13. We need to upvote this so hard because otherwise people will likely never see this side of him. 😭

  14. you didn't look very far, did you? or very close, for that matter.

  15. Quand ça m'est arrivé la moto n'avait quasi rien, mais moi un os cassé dans le poignet.

  16. Felt like I wasted four years of my life only to be told my professional opinion doesn’t matter for the job I was hired to do

  17. Time is a mystery and it feels so intangible to me that sometimes I wonder how others can grasp it

  18. I really, really don't understand how you do not use the perfect chronometer with integrated calendar, alarm and travel time estimate with associated directions that you just typed this message from to solve that "mystery" instantly and easily.

  19. It's called a photography when it's a tattoo on a real person.

  20. Franchement, vas y, si elle est en bon état, tu peux aisément l’échanger contre le nouveau SUV Ferrari

  21. You’re the first one talking about infrastructure. That’s the problem. A standard solution for DevOps is to rebrand existing ops teams to DevOps. Siloes remain. Nothing changed.

  22. On the other hand, the ones that take an entire room to do laser cutting with metal sheets are surprisingly fun once you realize the possibilities...

  23. The "highest usable" filter also ignores the altar of rites, so they don't show up until you're 70 even if they're available way earlier.

  24. Gonna get hate but astarion. I've done his redemption arc and it's very good but he's so generally evil and self serving that I'd rather travel with characters that like it when I do good things or are more interesting in their motivation for bad things

  25. I draw the line at vampires trying to suck my blood without consent after forgiving an attack from them without warning or attempt to talk on the first meeting.

  26. that's the most obvious reason, yeah. the fact that they don't understand that this changes absolutely nothing as the files are already out there and a torrent is forever screams of MBA manglement too.

  27. Sennheiser has an active reddit account. I forget what it is but hopefully they see this.

  28. If you have to go through backchannels on 3rd party public boards that usually means their standard support is shit and they only care about the most visible cases.

  29. If you have to go through backchannels on 3rd party public boards that usually means their standard support is shit and they only care about the most visible cases.

  30. My company congratulates people who get their terraform associates cert on our learning stipend like it's a huge accomplishment.

  31. Does successfully terraforming Mars on Surviving Mars count as terraform experience?

  32. Hey friend, a hidden part of your job is to get good at being a pest. My senior director gave me a deadline of tomorrow, have been working on a feature for about 2.5 weeks. He just gave me the approval This Morning -- after I pinged him once a day for about 8 work days. Only you are in charge of ensuring you hit your deadlines

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