
  1. So, early on I wanted to be a girl, learned what transgender is and thought "damn, that's a big commitment, if this ain't for me, my life will be ruined" so I suppressed it all through middle school, 2019 came around and I found out about femboys from a guntuber (who I think wore cat ears a few times) and I slowly stopped suppressing it. In 2022 I figured out I'm genderfluid.

  2. For those who don't want to google it, 35°C converts to freedom units as 95°F.

  3. I don’t remember ever seeing Finn outside before! I think a lot of us just assumed he was a shut-in or something.

  4. He remember him doing midnight walking streams in the past

  5. I don't worldbuild for the sake of it, my current project is centered around an audio drama my media company is working on, older projects were for, in one case a book I was writing, and in another, a ttrpg that I have put on hold.

  6. I don't necessarily chase bimbos, but if that's my option, so be it. The way I fall for someone is when I have some attraction and get to know that person (usually for a year or more) then that's typically when I fall in love, though, If I don't, I don't. As for my type, I usually go for more masculine leaning girls/afab enbies really, I just want someone who I can connect with on a deeper level than just sex. I want someone who I can fall asleep with at midnight binging Scandinavian noir, popcorn in hand. I want someone who will give me what you give your husband, physical affection, beyond just sex. I want to fall asleep next to someone and know that everything will be okay, to wake up and see their face first thing in the morning. There is emotional pain that cuts deeper than any physical pain I've ever felt (and I've fucked up my body pretty bad) this emptiness was caused by loss, so I think it can only be healed by gain.

  7. Welsh billionaire and Irish doctor travel to America after an apocalypse with consequences beyond comprehension

  8. Femboys are the most popular female in a museum and is one 1⃣ in a museum that has been in a museum for years now

  9. Kept getting bismarck recommended on YouTube, long story short, I'm planning a trip to Sweden next year to catch the cruise.

  10. I workout, mainly because of my lune of work and now my major

  11. I made a similar post about it being too graphic and got crucified by Dave stans here, so be careful.

  12. Dave is great, but I do agree, he does get a bit too detailed sometimes.

  13. I'm in college right now and while I've never dressed up on campus (I take care of my elderly folks) I have come out to several guys there. Despite this being a trade school in the deep south, they are surprisingly accepting. You should be fine

  14. Literally everything, it's an audio drama, and we hope to one day transition it to a proper TV show (after all, we do own a couple of YouTube chanels)

  15. I was rather well respected in high school, I had a friend group of about 36 people and folks knew if you messed with one of us, you messed with all of us.

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