
  1. Doos is te lig van n woord, se katjie want ek sien net n poes

  2. But Pastor Bobby McBob told us at Fridays "Texas hot wings and Bingo for Jesus night" that Constantine corrupted the church...

  3. Low tier online streamer. Mostly does political streams if I remember correctly.

  4. I'm just in awe that Vaush is still active. It's probably been 10 years since I even seen a post about him....

  5. Who is the face on St. George supposed to be? I know it’s not Calvin or Knox.

  6. His name is George Gillespie, he was a Scottish Puritan.

  7. I feel ya, when I was in college the only way we could watch Bleach was with pirate sites. Many years later it did get picked up by local stations but only the dub version and not even the full series, and they would replay the first couple or arcs. I don't think it was on Crunchyroll but even if it was, we were broke college students living of vending machine cuisine.

  8. It's all about intent. Are you doing it for spiritual reasons or only as an excercise? I do some yoga poses at night for my back.

  9. I wouldn't say it's the perfect anything. The pace is positively glacial, the story is not compelling in the slightest, the characters are just odd, the main character in particular is completely uninteresting. Yes, the graphics are good, but I got to chapter 3 earlier today and was greeted by a diamond achievement stating that 3.36% of players had achieved it. Only 3 out of every 100 stuck around to chapter 3 so far.

  10. I got that diamond too. It's extremely slow but I'm hoping it's one of those "it's boring for the first 10 chapters but the 2 final chapters are amazing" situations

  11. Me too. I'm still playing, because I have nothing better to do, but it's still boring. I'm delivering letters right now for Buddy, but you can only pick up one at a time. All this back tracking is terrible.

  12. According to another review this game is about "introspection and exploring the ships characters." Which I get but I do find it way too slow and I'm hoping that as the launch window gets smaller, events will start picking up.

  13. And the karma for naming the kid “Miller”.. when will that come due lol?

  14. Those areas are notorious for facing William Nicol (now Winnie Mandela) traffic in the morning/evening. The density of the builds and the road infrastructure - it's just too many people crossing at peak times.

  15. Do you think it's even worth having a pension? I have a provident fund and thinking of getting a pension too but if I look at what all the calculations show how much they think I will have when I retire... Eish. I'm considering index funds or other investments than a traditional pension fund

  16. Playing No Man's Sky right now. If you're into an infinite resource/crafting/space type of game.

  17. I played it back when it first came out all those years ago. Before all the updates and changes. I should check out it again

  18. Just finished Halo: Reach, and immediately went to the next game. It already feels I'm in for one heck of a ride

  19. -> Taylor Marshall, Timothy Gordon, etc. has entered the chat. Finds fault in Dignitas Intinita. Pope Francis is bad. Swear they aren't sedevacantists.

  20. I used to like his earlier stuff too. I was a regular listener. I'm sure he is a good down to earth Christian offline, I just can't stand his online content.

  21. While we’re on the topic what do yall think of Doom? Is it problematic?

  22. I don't think so. Doom Guy is actually Catholic and he kills demons. However if your conscience tells you not to play... Then maybe dont? I was super excited to play Bayonetta because I was a massive fan of Vanquish. Yet when it got to the part of killing angels... I just couldn't. I bought it on a Saturday played it Saturday evening. Sold it Sunday at a flea market. If any game, movie, song, book, event, or anything else makes you go "hmmm... I don't think this is right", then cast it aside. But when in doubt ask a priest. Yet the doubt itself might be sign it's wrong

  23. Gotta add The Stillwater Hobos to this. Especially St. Therese and The Hills of Connemara.

  24. Ocean of Mercy and Ball and Chain are my favorites from them.

  25. Ex Protestant, Dutch Reformed. We were told Catholics pray to Mary as a god. The reformation happened to fix that and make Jesus for everyone, meaning, now everyone can read the Bible. So basically, the Reformed church is the real and true church that Jesus founded, done away with all the superstitions and statues.

  26. CCC 2425 The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with "communism" or "socialism." She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of "capitalism," individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor. Regulating the economy solely by centralized planning perverts the basis of social bonds; regulating it solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for "there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market." Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended.

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