
  1. Yea I corrected it and I found shit from another franchise not our tiamat

  2. Then make it yourself, the tools are right there, all they need is for someone to use them.

  3. Transformers in Warhammer 40k sounds like a really good idea now thinking about it.

  4. Regardless of whatever their earth modes end up being, they’d Mad Max the shit out of them

  5. I would actually like to see that now.

  6. could we fucking stop with this

  7. I don't know why but this kind of gives me like a year one sort of vibe, Like this is him starting out and I kind of dig that.

  8. I guess so. Honestly, I feel like Earth peaked with the Dinosaurs.

  9. Charmander goes into Charmeleon.. He's going for grandma next

  10. Well you know he wants to level up. He's just going through the different levels.

  11. It died so young but yet it is still peak.

  12. I guess he's going to build a new empire in this new world, hopefully any of the inhabitants would be willing to join the Decepticons.

  13. Heh, better an alien copycat than somebody who's to Batman as Joe Fixit was to the Hulk.

  14. Don't disrespect Joe Fixit like that!

  15. Exactly. That's why Kong did it.

  16. I was gonna originally have him as Emma Frost, but I'm just not ready to unleash that to the world

  17. I believe it's time to unleash that to the world.

  18. 100% different entities, both evil nonetheless.

  19. So it's basically a chicken or the egg scenario in that regard? Or maybe I'm just stupid.

  20. I got into it a week ago, I knew the show existed because Glitch made Digital Circus and I thought that was okay but I never really gave murder drones a chance, until one night when I couldn't sleep I decided to give the first episode a try because of being bored, enjoyed the first episode and binge watched all the way to episode 6 in that night, and now I'm excited for episode 7 because of it.

  21. Why is Man terrified? Has he seen Sin?

  22. They add just enough interesting stuff to make the terrible shit even worse.

  23. Honestly, I feel like someone should take these ideas and do something with them like a Fanfiction or something. Take the good stuff that works and get rid of all the edgy 2000s nonsense.

  24. Hulk,blob and venom eat people and scarlet witch and quicksilver have sex

  25. Venom gets the cannibalism pass because he already does that, Hulk and Blob on the other hand...

  26. Even now I still have no idea what the hell is going on in the show

  27. Yeah, love the show but I'm too stupid to understand what's happening. Still a very good show though.

  28. I might be mistaken, but I don’t think any Godzilla that wasn’t mutated by humans had any reason to hate them.

  29. I mean you had the ones that were awakened by the bombs, I would be angry too if ants set up a nuke that woke me up.

  30. I thought them and the mutated ones were synonymous. Although I admit I could be mistaken.

  31. They can be, but it's really dependent, You have different versions with different elements from one another or sometimes even new different backstories that don't connect to the older ones. Godzilla is one of the few characters in fiction that you could practically do whatever you want with.

  32. It's a good thing I started to watch the show before episode 7 and now I'm hooked on the show and excited for episode 7.

  33. How the fuck they gonna retcon the first season and just be like “na, that didn’t happen”. Without season 1, peacemaker hasn’t started approaching the role of the antihero and he’s back to just being an insufferable asshole. I couldn’t give two shits about the DCU but this is the one IP I’ve actually enjoyed

  34. Just say that the Justice League showing up in the end Is no longer cannon?

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