
  1. It’s easier for me not to drink when I remind myself it’s just straight up poison. I know some of it tastes pretty good but the effect on your heart, brain and colon over time can be devastating. I’ve had two friends die in the past two months from alcohol related issues. If I want to keep the after work cocktail ritual, I make a mocktail. Good luck.

  2. What helps me is to have a hobby that gives me reasons to be sober. I value my sobriety more than the drink.

  3. Double or triple what you usually charge.

  4. Steak. Bro science enthusiasts have overcomplicated this to absurdity. Steak is easy as hell to cook. It doesn't push any tools or techniques to their limits...

  5. Only trick is knowing when to take them off the grill.

  6. The only reason I like a few less than others is that I’ve heard them too many times. If they weren’t great, they wouldn’t be n Duke’s book.

  7. Hold something back. You don’t want people to get jaded, and you want to give people a chance to become familiar with your music. Also, keep a stash for those times when you know you should post, but just ain’t feeling it lately. Dumping too much in a short time just waters your work down, and people won’t remember it. Just your best stuff-wait until people are asking for more, then hit them with something really good.

  8. Good time to mow-it’s usually cooler

  9. I looked at my speedometer once after a ride and saw that I had hit 50. I was not even trying.

  10. I think I had the exact same unit. Cost me $200.00 to get rid of it.

  11. Pretty much as you would use any dom 7 chord.

  12. This happens to me every freaking month bro, I sometimes use the Walmart in trussville. But it’s so late you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get it anywhere

  13. The chain pharmacies can’t even find a store that has it.

  14. I never could stick to a set list. What I wrote down a while ago doesn’t fit the vibe at the moment.

  15. It depends on your experience, passion and goals. I only get 2 hours in every day, maybe 4 on weekends. Most professional musicians do 4-6. But most students can’t hang that long. You have to build up to it. You don’t want to burn out. Stop just before you’re sick of playing. Living life itself also goes into your playing. The important thing is not to miss days , so you’re not having to spend your first hour catching up to your last practice.

  16. Replace Mt. Olive with Vlasic, and it would be a 10/10.

  17. You don’t have to ask us-your ear will tell you that all of those approaches work. Own them!

  18. Woody Herman The Thundering Herd. The first record I bought with my own money. Two yard mowings. It’s still a great record. I probably still have it. That would have been about 1974.

  19. Have a good reason to wake up that is not work.

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