
  1. Whenever a person says "Arab countries" or "Arab leaders", I can't take it for serious.

  2. Arab clowns is more accurate than Arab leaders.

  3. I can't even look at his face. It's like something inside me just filled with disgust even setting my eyes upon him

  4. He's a ghoul, rotten to the core.

  5. this is why we need to have police who are given this duty- to impose basic human morality and anti nudity laws.

  6. No, we don't need no godawful "morality" police. Mind your own damn business and stop telling others how to dress. Your "concept of nudity" is not "advanced".

  7. Few things on this planet are as embarrassing as Iranian diaspora.

  8. If whatever pissrael is doing in Gaza constitutes western values and civilization, the west can keep them.

  9. Palestine and her children will endure.

  10. Not even the soles of Finkelstein's boots.

  11. A deranged society. It won't last.

  12. No one has done more damage to Zionism than Zionists themselves, and that damage is irreparable.

  13. It's like they live in a different reality were none of these vile things they say ever reach outside their shitty little terrorist state.

  14. Such an ugly language. I feel like I've heard enough of it to last me several lifetimes. An ugly language for a nasty people.

  15. Look dude if this trully is the case, I am sorry for your loss. But we are commenting on the nation as a whole, not you as an individual. It is evident now more then ever that the ideas on which Israel was founded, and under which it has continuously operated, ie. a "Jewish state" are the extension of 20th century fascism. If you think a "Jewish state" (ie. a state exclusively for the jews) has the right to exist than you infact agree with ISIS. (That this has been a constant ethos of the Israeli government is something I don't think is up for debate.)

  16. Not only that, you cannot argue against white racists who want for example Norway or Germany to be completely free of immigrants, Jews included. But I'm willing to bet these israelis would screech about the evils of racism the second some Polish guy declared that Poland should be for the ethnically Polish only.

  17. No one should be murdered, but soldiers who die in active warzones are not considered to have been murdered.

  18. Hamas are armed men fighting so yes, I have no problem if they die in combat. It's the price they're willing to pay for their people. I don't want them to die because I clearly side with the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom, but a Hamas fighter going down in a gun fight is clearly not a murder. IOF shitstains deliberately bombing civilians however.

  19. That is such a punchable face he must get the urge to punch himself when he looks into a mirror.

  20. First we comfort the children, then we CRUSH our enemies, then we must again comfort the children.

  21. That picture looks like the intro to a porno.

  22. May a drawn out civil war befall the USA soon. May everything they've put others through come to visit them.

  23. Yes brother. Allah will absolutely punish the US for their sins against fellow Muslims. Any day now. I mean I am sure it’s taking so long because Allah is really cooking up something special for them. But it’s coming. Inshallah.

  24. I don't believe in any gods so I don't know why you keep harping on about god.

  25. It’s scary to think about how powerful money is.

  26. We need a new economic system. The current capitalist one is burning through people, resources and planet at an ever increasing pace. It's going to be the death of us all.

  27. When did this happen? Is there a news article on this?

  28. Wrong victims, westoid media couldn't care less.

  29. You know what is the irony? He is originally an Arab from Iraq.

  30. Jesus Christ, you zionazis are rotten to the core.

  31. Lmaoo omg mcgill is property of palestine now 😱 people doing shit like this lack social awareness. Just makes people hate your cause even more

  32. "I'm fine with the massmurdering of innocents, but changing the names on a few signs is were I draw the line!"

  33. Iran should send a single drone all the way to Israel in response

  34. Just one with a message looping from loudspeakers: "Ha ha! Ha ha!"

  35. Started to think I was the only one with zero interest in these shippings. Still don't understand why a human would be in a romantic relationship with an alien.

  36. Decades of propaganda, hatred for Muslims, and some of them just hold insane Christian Zionist views.

  37. Hatred for Muslims/Middle Easterners especially. Worthy and unworthy victims and all that. The west hates Islam and see it as a threat so anyone killing Muslims must be the lesser evil.

  38. Yesterday there was a headline saying Biden approves Rafah strikes because Israel showed restraint against Iran. This spits in the face of that. What is Biden going to say about this now ?

  39. Nothing. Bibi the Baby Butcher will attack Iran and Rafah, Joe Genociden will approve of it.

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