
  1. Pretty simple layout, but that's good for building and navigating. I love the bedroom view. It's very functional, perfect for a survival starter base. You got a pretty good color palette. Roof looks a bit off to me, but that's just the contrasting colors and it still looks good. The chimney, bushes out front, bedside table (I would have used backward looms for them, but that's just a suggestion), and fireplace. It's not a 1:1 recreation of Notre Dame or anything, but I wouldn't call it a bad base.

  2. I don't think Boston Dynamics had this in mind when the army said military potential.

  3. That's about the most vague error report I've ever heard. All my bots are working fine.

  4. Yeah I was wondering if this was a recent issue that's been happening or if it's just me.

  5. it's not a free bot because we're both building it but if it's needed I'm willing to pay, just not a ridiculous amount :)

  6. Are the bullets purple? Check in settings of bdarmory you might be in training mode Also for missles and bombs to work you need a weapons controller

  7. No, they're yellowish white. I'll check tho

  8. I used to take care of chickens and they were dumb as hell...

  9. Haven't used snoowrap but in the official reddit api under poll_data is the data.

  10. I once had diarrhea that lasted for two breaks... it was a very fun experience :)

  11. How would you get into advanced datapack making?

  12. I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for

  13. alright sorry for the accusation of your good meme

  14. Isn't lua only used to code roblox games or?

  15. Wait, captchas are also used to train ai...

  16. Way better than the stone with a face that was my first mob model.

  17. Fortnite is cringe BECAUSE it's filled with annoying 8 year olds.

  18. I have to see the mood my cat is in before I give him belly rubs.

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