
  1. The mods removed your post because what you are describing isn't real. You are very mentally ill, and need to go back to the psychiatrist for treatment ASAP. You are a danger to yourself. Please do not go to some random cave by yourself at night. That is not wise or safe at all. PLEASE GET SOME PROFESSIONAL MENTAL HEALTH HELP IMMEDIATELY!!! You are delusional and paranoid.

  2. What is he describing? Other people are telling him good luck like he's going to do something? Someone talked about bring flashlights and camping equipment if I'm not mistaken.

  3. Oh my God I know where you got those two guys giving the finger......high magazine! I have the exact same one and used them as well. Hahahaha love the page BTW.

  4. Were his family, without the fans he has nothing. Artists don’t get it?

  5. So he's just supposed to ignore his family member and go play a show? you're being kind of Selfish dude. You can call him your family all you want but at the end of the day you're not his family. Obviously He's doing just fine if he can afford to cancel shows and take care of his family member. Someone could be dying. That's a little more important than playing a show.

  6. They weren't doing it privately, they were doing it online, in a "private" group sure, but still online, with several people in the group, anyone of whom could betray the others privacy at anytime. It's not like they were alone at home and someone spied on them, they put this stuff out in the world, years of mean messages, and then invited people they didn't know well enough to see them. If people want privacy, they have to actually keep things private.

  7. I understand your point of view and totally agree, but I have a question. you said if people want privacy they have to actually keep things could say that about the girl whos conversations were leaked no?

  8. It’s more so the fact of the text messages between one of the dudes and his ex gf he spared her no privacy to the conversation between them!

  9. It could have been those scars and maybe some things that she said or she didn't pass the mental health exam. I kind of have a feeling it has nothing to do with those scars considering they probably asked her and she probably told them that they were from a rash she probably didn't pass the mental health exam or like I said she said some things that sent up some red flags. Either you're not telling us the full story or she's not telling you the full story.

  10. “I don’t want to get too specific” translates to “I don’t want people stealing my new hustle”

  11. I'm i'm pretty sure copying paintings and then selling them isn't really a secretive industry that needs to be kept quiet. Like I'm pretty sure anyone could steal this side hustle he's not being too specific because he doesn't want the person to figure out that his painting is fake.

  12. this will be biased as hell since I'm not exactly a dog owner but in the case of dogs especially bigger breeds who get more riled up, shit gets torn up at some point.

  13. Charging a monthly fee is one thing but a $500 non-refundable payment Is absolutely ridiculous considering the fact that she also has to give him a security deposit and first and last month's rent. That's what he also has the security deposit for. So he gets a security deposit on top of a $500 non-refundable payment that's overdoing it. Then just don't rent to people who have pets if you're going to do all that. Not everyone that owns an animal is a Irresponsible pet owner. I feel like people who don't have animals or don't want to have animals think that every person who owns a pet has a shit storm of a house. Yes some people are like that but a majority of pet owners aren't like that because we actually take the time to train our animals and take care of them properly.

  14. The next time you see your aunt and she comments on it say you already brought the cat to the vet and the vet said the cat is fine and can't sleep like that all the time.

  15. NTA. I'm a former foster child who's parent got them back. Just some context here my mother died when I was 5 years old my father got custody and because of her death he developed a alcohol Addiction which resulted in me getting taken away for 3 years he got sober and got me back.

  16. Why can't they ever "just roll up" on the person kidnapping little Timmy or beating grandma? Thank God they were there to save Pete the parking meter.

  17. "What I mean when I say this is like spaces where 99% of the space is white. Black children will always need other black kids to rely on. Growing up alone in the kind of space will leave you wondering why you get treated so differently to all of your peers. Black communities for young children are so necessary for healthy development. Having people around you who relate to you is so incredibly important. Growing up in a predominately white space will leave you with an inferiority complex and low racial self esteem as seen with OP."

  18. "Growing up in a predominately white space will leave you with an inferiority complex and low racial self esteem as seen with OP."

  19. Yeah. You're definitely not a black person, let alone a black person who grew up in a white space.

  20. No you're right I'm not just black I'm actually biracial you ignorant a piece of garbage.

  21. I won’t ask anything because it really isn’t my business. But just know that your life is worth living 🙏🏼

  22. Yeah but that's why they posted in here. They are making it ok to ask....that's literally the point.

  23. Ok. You could have just went about your business instead of replying to me lol

  24. Yeah this is reddit so I COULD have yeah. But the fact that I didn't shouldn't be called out. I mean, again that's literally the entire point of reddit, so....

  25. Lmfao you got fired cuz you couldn't not wear ear buds? Really? Wow. Way to be an adult.

  26. In spite of the butthurt cop haters, most places won't send police to a hit and run you can drive away from with no injuries.

  27. That's not true at all my husband was in an accident where not 1 person was injured and 2 police officers were on scene. And In spite of your lack of reading comprehension no one called the police to come to the scene she went to the police station with the license plate number and they didn't want to help.

  28. No they went down to their local police station and talked to the local policeman that works there. Reading comprehension is a great thing.

  29. It's an AITA tradition that if the woman in a heterosexual relationship has been the AH, AITA will grasp at anything to judge the man to also have been an AH.

  30. Oh my God thank you I brought this up on someone else's post because they were totally bashing the dude simply because he was a man, And quote "When a man tells you you are good looking without your permission he is doing it to have power over you" I got downloaded and told that I must be a man because I'm clearly a woman hater.... Even though my name literally says lady....

  31. Lol, found the person who lives their life hoping their boss will pat their head and tell them they are a good dog.

  32. Because he expects others to do their job he wants a Pat on the head??? I'm so sick of this why when you call out people for being lazy and not doing their job you're some kind of boot licker or brown noser?? how about you just want other people to do their fucking job so that they don't have to pick up your slack. I know having pride in your work and pride in doing your job is this new thing that you dont seem to be aware of but some people take pride in doing their job and doing their job well. Not everyone does things because they expect shit from other people, some people actually do things for themselves because it makes them feel good. I know that's obviously a new concept for you.

  33. if you hate fucking "Reddit Fucktards", why are you even in Reddit lol? gtfo here.... "Intelligent Ride" more like CCP foot licker ass ride

  34. " more like CCP foot licker ass ride" old are you 10? Smh I think MySpace is calling your ass.

  35. and you're the eternally angry and frustrated 60 year old who is also hyper patriotic to his shitty government??

  36. “Do you really have to leave? We could use the help” uh yeah that’s why I told you at 7am

  37. Yeah well we could of used the help 20 people ago, ,but you let them go YOU'RE fucked, not me.

  38. Yes you are right to be appalled. Life is life no matter how small and if she cant even show compassion or have feelings towards a fish that's a huge warning sign, for me anyway. Let's lock her in a bowl and not feed her while you go away on vacation and see how she likes it. I hate the fact that people think because it's a fish it doesn't matter. Or because it's a small tiny little thing it doesn't matter. SMH. Everything matters. It's called respect. Dump her.

  39. Why would you go 10 years working anywhere without a raise?

  40. No one ever said she worked there for 10 years and never got a raise he said that for her 10 year anniversary this is the race that she got big difference.

  41. I'm confused you think kids overreaving their engines and blowing them up is a fetish channel????

  42. You don't need urgent advice you need to mind your own business. Digging in your own backyard isn't a crime.

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