
  1. People like this are the reason my glovebox contains a bag of balance weights.

  2. My parents have one of the new Silverados with the long touch screen in the dash. I've popped 3 different dash panels properly into place because of outright poor assembly.

  3. I had an emergency fund. It disappeared as food and energy prices in my area have gotten so high. I'm seriously considering going to a food pantry.

  4. Please go, my friend. And please don’t be embarrassed. There is so much good food available.

  5. After some of the kind words I got in my replies, I won't feel bad at all using a food pantry. Thank you for that!

  6. The beer being promoted as a replacement was found to be produced in the same state as a plant owned by Bud Lights parent company. And there's a good chance it's the exact brewery owned by Annheuser

  7. Heroes. It deserves a rewrite, they really didn't do it justice towards the end.

  8. I think a VERY deep purple or maroon place setting would complement the curtains and the colors of that wall hanging very nicely. Maybe add a modest centerpiece that's reflective to help catch the light from above.

  9. This is a ploy meant to enrage customers and gain undue sympathy. It's unnecessary, and frankly an embarrassing move to pull as an owner.

  10. Samsung frame TV on the wall above, big screen on the TV stand below. One TV will look like a nice hanging photo when not in use

  11. ive lived in apartments or townhouses for about the last decade. my mood is WILDLY affected by lighting.

  12. This!!!! Lighting can completely transform a windowless room. On top of that, I recommend smart lights that can change color. If you can get your hands on the Philips brand, they've got a very good color range to suit your needs.

  13. I was thinking of selling them $20/ dozen. Is that reasonable?

  14. So reasonable! Depending on where youre located maybe even undercharging... my city is crazy expensive though so I may be biased

  15. I honestly agree. But it's 100% about the frosting for me. If the balance of buttery to sweet is good - I'll pay anything for it.

  16. Yes. I live in northern New England and that is a very common price for home baked goods.

  17. I owned a 2014 6-speed Kia soul, right when they did the updated look. It was super fuel efficient, comfortable, and extremely reliable. I loved it!

  18. I put 200,000 miles on 2 kias without much issue aside from suspension wear. There's buttloads of them around where I live, everyone raves about their Kia. They sell like hotcakes.

  19. I know a guy who parks across the street from his job because of this shit. It's unnecessary.

  20. I'm not sure if they're still rich assholes, the place closed down about two and a half years later. They may still be rich, I'm not sure, but I'm just glad it closed down. Not long after the two ladies left they started brining the good agents over to where they went to. I'm kinda surprised they lasted as long after that as they did to be honest

  21. This is what I did with every shit business I left as a young adult. I'd go find a better place, then I'd poach all the high-performers from my old job.

  22. I would inform the vendors that your bosses do this, and ask them to send small, individualized portions. Heck, ask them to write in permanent marker "MEANT TO BE GIVEN FOR FREE TO ALL STAFF. DO NOT RESELL"

  23. Wow your boss is a walking ADHD diagnosis. She is probably entirely unaware of it. People with ADHD often struggle to recognize social cues and tend to hijack conversations and meetings, because it gives our brains the release of dopamine it's constantly starving for.

  24. I know a guy that does this. He spent some time learning VBA and XML. He automated most of his job and never told anyone. Now he plays video games on his personal computer all day, and just responds to emails and teams messages as they pop up on his work computer. Attends a few meetings here and there.

  25. I mean, if I were at a defense contractor I'd want someone who knew their shit so well they could replace themselves with a script. Hell I think I'd promote him to a project lead and paying a bucket load with the understanding he could streamline as much as he liked and get back to playing Elden Ring as long as it worked right.

  26. LOL they really don't like to give promotions here for some reason. They've had people threaten to quit and reapply just to get the position they deserve.

  27. If they can fill a theater like that, they can pay everyone on stage their worth.

  28. Considering they raised 30 million dollars last season you think they would. It's atrocious and I know some of these people. Their talent is unbelievable.

  29. All the musicians should stop in the middle of a show, and stand one by one. Each person should shout out their yearly salary, and one of their biggest struggles this year because of it.

  30. A lot of people use work as an escape from home. It's their personal hell to be stuck at home.

  31. Word recognition and pattern recognition have been known to be far less effective than phonics. Kids need to know how to sound out new words in their own. I've met some VERY illiterate people who were taught using word recognition.

  32. Railroad workers pay into their own retirement. They don't get social security. I don't think anyone can take it away.

  33. The pensions typically work different than a your 401 and IRA options. Instead of having individual accounts, some pensions pool the money and track each employees vested value over time. This varies from union to union. But it allows the union to control their retirement fund, unlike a 401k or similar account which would always belong to the employee.

  34. Ouch, you really made a few people butthurt judging by your vote count 😂

  35. That's the whole point. A temporary disruption of the system would have our problems solved within a week. Some lost profits and a few weeks of shipping backup wouldn't destroy anything, it'd just make wall street cry bloody mary.

  36. The economy might survive, but what about poor Americans who don't qualify for welfare and the citizens that are dependent on medication to live?

  37. That is a separate fight, and we shouldn't invalidate the workers movement just because the government has left impoverished Americans in the dust.

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