
  1. Just not implemented like this dictatorship move. I valued league as a game that requires minimal resources to run and play but thats becoming history at this point.

  2. Vanguard needing like 10 MB is too much apparently

  3. Dunno what ”dictatorship move” he was talking about either… tinfoil hats are all playing league I guess :/

  4. While walking in the forest, actually underrated. Have resolved so much while taking a walk

  5. Yeah, not only is supp pretty easy, supp is still strong and adc feels harder than all other roles.

  6. The fact that this gets downvoted says a lot about the levelbof idiocy in society in general and this sub in particular. Pretty fuckin sad.

  7. Sun signs, mostly, don't make any sense. I'm an INTJ with Sagittarius sun sign. Fucking impossible. Moon signs make a little sense- Scorpio moon.

  8. I never thought I’d see art of the MC from Kill La Kill (I forget her name) and Alpharius (or is that Omegon?) grilling together.

  9. Did they just say condoms are only 18% effective???!?!? This is hardcore misinformation and sterilization propaganda

  10. 18% get pregnant over a year of regular use. Above 99.6% success rate depending on how often regular means

  11. i think the only one who should do some research next time is you lmfao no way condom only has 82% of effectiveness, also you're not cool for saying uh epic comeback yeah yeah

  12. Since this graph is based on regular use over a year, we can assume a few different numbers, i.e times used. Say sex once a day, x365 = 0.82. This returns 0.9994, 99.94%. Say sex every other day, x182, this returns 99.89%. Say sex every four days, this returns 99.78%. A bit more believable now ngl

  13. Being gay is not a choice, acting on those feelings is. The Bible doesn’t condemn those feelings but the acts that follow, and tells us to repent and change ways, even if that means life long singleness.

  14. I went on his profile to find the old post and its been removed 😭 i am scared to find out what it said

  15. Based on the comments I assume he’s been jerking it to loli porn and now he’s afraid he’ll impulsively diddle kiddies lmao

  16. Seeing you desperately dying on this hill just for being a contrarian is sad.

  17. He’s arguing that it’s worse to fuck your sister than to draw someone fucking their sister. Not a hard hill to die on :/

  18. Obviously lmao wasn’t saying that one isn’t bad at all, but actually fucking your sister or mother is worse that jacking off or drawing that shit.

  19. Or the athiest is just smarter. Also, as an athiest, wouldn’t let him on

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