
  1. Thank you so much for the wishes! As a fellow coffee addict I absolutely agree that consistency is key, and everyone I’ve spoken to have vouched for it.

  2. Agreed, consistency is a major key! My local coffee shop had PHENOMENAL mochas. But one day the quality just plummeted and they’ve lost a lot of sales/customers from it (including me).

  3. What a shame. A good Mocha is everything, I miss my old coffee stop where they made the best ever mochas RIP

  4. idc either way i just think it's fruitless to make the same complaints and speculate when they've explained why already.... it's not withholding anything since they've already received those rewards???

  5. I’ve been playing for an entire year and I remember this gacha coming out. I never revived a SINGLE 5* item despite the rewards given. To receive all 13 pieces it would cost 39,000 diamonds, which is incredibly cash grabby as most players have no more than 1,000 to spare.

  6. Has to be the Hershey’s bar. It is not a chocolate that I would eat on its own. They’re good with s’mores. The Hershey kisses are pretty nice. They even have good chocolate syrup. But the bar itself is not suitable for me.

  7. This post just made me realise how awful my entry was! This is too cute, definitely the first one 🥰

  8. My sister has 2 uteri and 1 kidney. She had 6 kids - three in each uterus, and they alternated. First was a little premature, but no complications with any of the other 5.

  9. No, just one each month, but they were pretty intense sometimes.

  10. It’s the headshape, the chin is too sharp and the jawline is too curved and off. Try making it rounder and use a reference for the jawline.

  11. The name you gave to the scammer reminds me a lot of my cousin, Ben Dover

  12. the email address😂💀💀 boomshakala lol

  13. I miss the days where G1 dolls/books/movies were targeted towards kids rather than adult collectors.

  14. His jacket is actually good quality, and you can spin him around with his feet 👍

  15. It’s not hard to Google these things. ADHD is a real disorder, which affects the chemicals released in the brain. We lack dopamine and norepinephrine. Both are chemicals important in maintaining focus.

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