
  1. Dude I matched against him earlier literally within seconds was thrown on the ground and submitted and I was Charles so he has good floor game

  2. A timebomb is when you put a joint or blunt in a pipe or bong and rip it like you normally would a bong rip or pipe hit gets you super lit and helps you keep your roaches for a good use

  3. That motherefuckin PEPTO pack right there

  4. Awwww that’s awesome I would love to have another dog but my dogs very much a one dog to a person type haha

  5. I know my stepbrother has always been able to get me unstuck try that out

  6. That’s actually a Japanese maple weed plants would have leafs going clear down to almost the dirt and have a different leaf spread then these have there very similar however not weed

  7. Looks a little skinny to me might want to see a vet just my opinion

  8. Absolutely not I’m Turning 23 in a couple weeks and picked up riding again about 9 months ago and turned out to be super better then I used to be and now am sponsored by a couple companies I actual loved growing up

  9. Getting that last min line up in you know 😂🤣

  10. Kid looking at you like bitch you play to much damn 😂🤣

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