
  1. any of yall know how to unlock the gates of heaven/hell ending in this game?

  2. I think you get what you’re talking about by running out of charges on the death round in normal mode(?), after round two it’s a skull. If you die there, you get that ending.

  3. I don’t know what everyone else is talking about but this just reminded me of the Josh Fight.

  4. Oak would have lended itself to a bit more variety because it's closer to spruce, but we can work with this.

  5. Alright, I'll be working on this. Can't really do terracotta and bamboo cause survival makes it hard to find but for now I'll work with the other suggestions.

  6. Might just be my luck, but I haven't seen a lot of Gumbo players recently, especially not bitter Gumbo players.

  7. I thought it was a hole, like the dwarf kept getting downed, and they hit the ground hard enough to leave a hole or something

  8. Guy was looking at me weirdly, I licked his eye, he climaxed and tried to convince me to do it more.

  9. bruh my chat just had my guy lick my character’s eye and tried to use the narration to say it felt good. Ai doesn’t know that people don’t like the feeling of their eyes being licked.

  10. The blue one seems like the one who fought for the thing but no longer wants it after having it

  11. Personally, 4-5 gens usually means a loss. So, I just try and loop the killer. If I can’t win, might as well learn!

  12. The thing is, the point of the entity is that it CAN'T take matters into its own hands. The whole reason it brings killers into its realm is because it isnt able to prepare its own lunch.

  13. I thought it was because the entity feeds off of emotion and whatnot, mainly Hope, and idk about you but I wouldn’t even bother trying to escape if I knew that the thing that brought me to a whole nother dimension was chasing after me. I certainly wouldn’t feel too hopeful about escape.

  14. Personally I’d grab whatever perks you’re comfortable with then just try and endure solo queue for a minute. The bp bonus is pretty nice. But if you really dislike solo queue, I’d just stick with killer. Remember, it’s a game, not a job.

  15. There was a single gen done! Give credit where it’s due, it’s better than most solo q games!

  16. Girl looks like Mayor Whiskers from the sims 4 just give her a top hat and bow tie

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