
  1. Because you're looking at enemy's stats and it shows always the best, independently of the actual build. For instance if you look at a Shimakaze, it will show 20 km range and about 90 kts speed

  2. no. for torpedos it will always show correct values on shimas. at least the mods i use. you can exactly see what torpedos they use, because there was or still is a time where you could see the torpedo rating a ship had . and if oyu knew which rating is what torps you knew which torps shima is using

  3. This is not a mod we're talking about, this feature is vanilla and show the best parameters, not the actual parameters

  4. U-4501 is 36 kts underwater, I'm only about 33 at max speed (no flag), then you add the fact that I must not me above him, but 1 km in front of him to throw this dump depth charges, this game and class is definitely balanced.

  5. And why didnt you complain about getting too good teams in the previous days with almost 70% WR?

  6. because I'm getting 60-70 winrate pretty much every day and if my overall is only 56, it's because I have about 40 on ships with 200 games when I started playing and was clueless

  7. Both strong in their roles, different roles. Can't say more without further explaination from you

  8. Play Asymmetric, progress is full, still against bots and more challenging than coop

  9. This is not "blasphemous", this is irrelevant in a game that is not historically accurate. But you can talk about historical battles as much as you want.

  10. It's the sum of all the bxp you got during your games

  11. CC's get a Press Acct and that is where they get the test ships.

  12. they also have test ships on their normal account

  13. By "CC account", do you refer to the normal account or the press account?

  14. How are we supposed to know what you find fun?

  15. I did an experiment of ditching conceal all together, since you spotted regardless. And amount of games when conceal could be beneficial were outnumbered by games where having better agility which helped to decide games earlier (before conceal even comes to be important)

  16. Lighthouse builds will not works with certain ships (radar cruisers mainly)

  17. the problem with the -conceal malus traits is. that they pretty quickly go over your maingun range. and also apply in smokes.

  18. Concealment in smoke is a fixed value, both full concealment and lighthouse Venezia are spotted at 9.9

  19. Most important is to get a ship you know how to play and ideally you enjoy playing

  20. If they’re on Asia server, I don’t blame them. The CVs there are maddening. Dude probably needed to vent somehow, even if it’s futile.If they’re on NA, then idk

  21. EU here and anyway, nothing more useless than a ship based fighter plane

  22. Most likely you played gearing before resetting again, thus collecting your previous x2

  23. you played coop, so MM decided you'll get some bots since there was not enough players

  24. Decent game, nothing incredible. Actually the most impressive is that you got 6 planes

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