
  1. What responsibility do you have? I’m trying to understand how you feel it’s different

  2. It’s logical. Lots of men do it too. Lot of women don’t do it.

  3. magnet and residential had very little intermixing because the school was in a dogshit area so residential kids always had violence issues(i heard this got worse after i graduated and there are actual stabbings now).

  4. U didn’t really answer the question so I’ll assume ur school was majority kids who went to prom and sports and stuff 😂

  5. oh yeah sorry yes majority residential but it never really affected us as we were quite isolated from them.

  6. I do agree competency is important to female arousal! She has to organically admire you. Depends on the woman what she’s admiring you about.

  7. Yes, people are always truthful on the internet. They'll never say stuff to provoke a reaction or to make themselves sound tough.

  8. What people say generally is an insight to their ways, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.

  9. Sure, if I look hard enough on Twitter, I can find a man who says he likes fat women.

  10. I say she’s caring and loves her people. That’s implied.

  11. Exactly. That’s an awful partner to be with.

  12. Ultimatums are not manipulative if they really are genuine. If anything, if something truly is a dealbreaker for you and you're skirting around the issue instead of issuing the ultimatum, I also think you're playing games.

  13. I’m pretty sure the subtext in that thread is your last paragraph. Would you date someone who only responded to ultimatums? Sounds exhausting and more importantly it’s damn inconsiderate. Why date or stay married to someone that rude and lazy.

  14. The sexism in the hypothetical does not amount to misandry in your mind then?

  15. I didn’t imply it wasn’t sexist. I implied you’re tripping about a hyperbolic hypothetical that stems from the “misogyny” women face from men.

  16. Doesn't matter where the hatred comes from, it's wrong no matter who does it imo. So do you take back what you said about the statements of women related to this hypothetical not implying a clear hatred for men?

  17. As far as wrong. There are levels. People are more understanding of bitterness when it stems from being treated terribly unprovoked by others.

  18. It's kind of the way people say it that makes a difference.

  19. You don’t see how it’s relevant that how someone is raised and socialized affects the rest of their life?

  20. No, I'm saying your specific anecdote isn't relevant. Not that how someone is raised and socialized isn't relevant.

  21. I think it’s a typical response from someone with your pov. Your pov being everything we just detailed in this thread.

  22. A woman. And honestly I wouldn't call bullshit immediately.

  23. You got downvoted but I agree. These women can be as kind as can be but the discomfort the men who date them feel comes out in those jabbing comments.

  24. Yeah and she's like genuinely not high maintenance either. I genuinely think it's just a shit dating pool combined with her being better off financially than most of the men around her lmao.

  25. I know so many women like her. They’re low maintenance, happy go lucky, kind, considerate, and financially successful… and many men still kinda feel a way about it even if he doesn’t admit it’s observed in his actions and choices. Idk something about her being I guess not “in need” triggers them bad is the best way to describe it. It’s not enough for her to be seeking a romantic partner she has to “NEED A MAN."

  26. Strong disagree. People who have complementary mental messes make the best relationships.

  27. Okay I was confused because you were saying “all” as if it’s a bunch of people.

  28. I was referring to height difference with big gaps like 5’3” and 6’3” women love those height differences they even encourage each other to seek for such constellations while it looks weird form the third perspective women say this is preference but when men is attracted to younger one let’s say 22-25 it’s creepy

  29. I’m saying you can feel height gaps are creepy if that’s how you feel. That’s not “unfair” of you to feel that way. I also think a 5’2 woman and 6’5 man is dumb looking.

  30. It didn't sound like Aziz Ansari violated that girl. It also sounded like Normal straight male behavior for Harvey Winstien to invite a lady to meet him in his hotel room at 11pm. I also still don't understand how Stormy Daniel's is a victim.

  31. Non-famous people were sharing their experiences with MeToo about other non-famous people more than the stories about the famous people. What isn’t clicking for you Ghetto Bond?

  32. I don’t think that’s the case here but i don’t care if you do think that. For clarity.

  33. I’m so glad this stupid OP is getting ratio’d.

  34. Hm. Yeah I disagree with you. It’s happening because women put effort into being thoughtful. I think men think it’s all “magic” and “just happens” it isn’t. It’s because we are actively being caring and considerate to people who are platonically caring and considerate to us.

  35. I empathize with your experience with your mom and can see how that colors your pov which is fair.

  36. the one thing i had going for me was believing i was better looking than a billionaire. and now that belief is over. thanks

  37. I wanted clarity because what you wrote is astonishing. You provided it. It isn’t “bad faith” to ask for clarity when dumbfounded by someone’s statement. Now that I have clarity, I think that’s never going to happen because why the hell would women type those cruel things even in that context?

  38. I basically said that If someone is doing something destructive, discouraging them is better than ignoring it and that people's actions should generally be judged relative to what they believe.

  39. A man being sad or hopeful like the woman in that video is not going to get “expired” and other hateful comments from women. That is the context. She didn’t display “bad behavior.”

  40. Your comment before that had a tone too. She disagrees with you.

  41. I guess if that’s how you feel babes.

  42. Its that in the same vein women try to give caveats to thier physical attraction as if its different than mens, that ultimately don't make them any different.

  43. To make it easier for you to understand.

  44. The halo effect works both ways. For some reason men on this sub only think it’s looks affecting your attraction to someone’s personality. But it’s also someone’s personality affecting attraction to looks. It’s like you guys have never met an average looking person whose wiles and charms gave you a tingle you didn’t expect.

  45. The same applies to anything that lowers your value for anybody. Like women are always on here going "I can rack up 100 bodies and still get a high value man"

  46. Yes this is an about “low value” people matching with each other.

  47. I mean in my social circle nobody looks like your picture. Anyhow aren't you a statistics buff? Check out the morbidly obese rates per gender. Women are 2 to 1 vs men and those women are getting relationships....

  48. Yes, and as a stats buff I know aggregate stats are less interesting than stats per demo. For example the morbidly obese rates aren't uniformly distributed. They're clustered around certain ethnicities, regions, ages, economic strata, and other factors.

  49. I am a male and I agree. But see nothing immoral in the age gap. If women can't make an informed decision at that age then why are they allowed to vote?

  50. That’s not why I get the ick. I get the ick knowing men would go lower if the law changed.

  51. That is bullshit and you know it. Men wrote those laws and we settled on on the current age for a reason. Women want to irrationally raise it without understanding the implications that it means unsuffrage

  52. How do women then decide that a man they are interacting with for the first time is a "go" or even a one night stand?

  53. Men do tend to better at those jobs. I thought you were talking about managerial jobs earlier.

  54. Your disagreement with the reality of things is duly noted. One of the things that really irk me are people using platitudes like "relative gains in life". What the fuck does that even mean? It's like telling someone who had a horrific thing happen to them that they could look at it as an "experience and grow from that". If you had and ugly girl friend that probably had some very shitty things happen to her because of the way she looks, would you tell her to groom and presents herself better because that's the problem and that would help her change men's attitudes towards her? I mean relative gains aren't gendered, or are they :)

  55. Good luck and Godspeed. We are at odds.

  56. More like whatever floats their boat have at it. They seem intractable and firmly planted. Good luck.

  57. Besides obvious observations in real life? Google has plenty. Here’s a start.

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