
  1. Marshal is the term used in Deadlands, which is very evocative (weird wild west game)

  2. It was a noble death, worthy of legend, to which I went gladly.

  3. My last costume was a winter fae. So, ice powers, charm, etc. I'm down for that. 😍

  4. I send woodsman to the blackwall then cut his dick off with a throwing knife. Same with those two dirty fucks cutting XBDs of kids.

  5. I've never played a sandy build. Usually stealth hacker or unarmed brawler. First play was female Nomad using silenced pistols and blades, but I had to stop cuz of the glitches. First time I hit the ending was nova hacker streetkid. Second was dumb ass corpo gorilla arms brawler.

  6. You don't care about mods... until you want to romance Panam as female V or Judy as male V and Aurore at all. Mark my words.

  7. Yeah, I've been looking at buying a pc basically just for 2077, so I can get access to those mods

  8. See the partially open gate behind him in the pic? If you stand outside it just to the side, so you can see into the yard, he gets stuck at the edge and can't reach you, and you can just blast him, dodging the occasional blast. The gate is a static object like a building, so it's immovable and invulnerable. 😁

  9. Idk but Tanya definitely for lawful evil.

  10. You awake suddenly to find you're falling from an unimaginable height. Figure out how to survive. 😁

  11. I remember reading a book about a tech-based supervillain who found an amulet that, so long as you wear it, gives absolutely anyone a single superpower.

  12. Sorry, couldn't remember the name at the time of writing and didn't think so many people would be interested.

  13. Huh. That was one of the first books I saw when I wad googling and the plot synopsis has nothing to do with your explanation. Guess that's why nobody could find it! 😅 Gonna go read. Thanks for the rec

  14. I just spent like 15 minutes looking for this book. I gotta know what it was called 🥺

  15. That lady who runs the sports academy in dog town. Not a single character in the game I’ve pulverized faster.

  16. I barely restrain myself long enough to let Tommie leave. But he doesn't deserve to have to witness that. I usually fight my way down there, too. Burn them all.

  17. That’s not Nibbles. You can get Nibbles after you meet Takemura in Tom’s Diner.

  18. They're all the same cat. It's the 'tarot reader' observing the events that are going to define and change night city, like how the supernatural graffiti appears near major people and events during the game.

  19. Evert single cat happens to be an identical sphinx? Despite cats having been exterminated in the city for over a decade? Nah

  20. Can only see Victor, Alex, or Kerry returning without the game canon being fucked up

  21. Nibbles Brightman should definitely keep coming back.

  22. Attractive Female, Attractive Male, and Shapeshifter. Name: Everyman

  23. Yay! I'm so happy to hear you're both enjoying! Warning for the endings:

  24. No I’m already super deep into the lore don’t worry I know, but I’m letting her go in mostly blind, she completely trust goro and hanako rn💀

  25. I mean, they are legitimately planning on doing their best to help. It's just that their best is kinda not that great. I think the Star ending is the best one, and really the only positive one out of all of them. That's also the one that I naturally got first, so perhaps she'll end up with it.

  26. I used it as an excuse to toss all the stuff I didn't like about 5e and build a custom game. (inb4 'just play a different system'; I design systems for fun) Once the current campaign we're playing wraps up, I'm gonna be switching to Black Flag, and in the meantime we've done some one shots or short arcs in tons of other systems.

  27. His death pose is iconic. Even in death he's not on the ground.

  28. Horizon Zero Dawn... Hearing the voice logs of people right before the world was about to be devoured by machines was super depressing. The final post credits scene SPOILERS with Aloy finding Elisabet made me bawl my eyes out.

  29. Fuckin THIS. The scene when GAIA realized her message was doomed to failure made me ugly cry

  30. Cyberware that removes fall damage. My V feels like a superhero, and then I make a jump that's just a liiiitle too long and I have to deal with that stupid animation every fucking time.

  31. Its honestly pretty good, but I'd allow them to choose to either pull themselves towards an enemies or pull the enemy towards them on a failed save. Most saving throw stuff has a lesser effect rather than a different effect when the enemy succeeds. Plus it would feel pretty crappy if the enemy succeeds the save and the player gets yoinked by their own magic item into a wall of enemies

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