
  1. When you want to point at something and your hands are full. Do you use your lips to point?

  2. Dismissed/expunged still required a moral waiver for my case

  3. Not until your third eucom rotation ahem I mean deployment

  4. Pffft I know Marcus Fenix when I see him

  5. It’s not that they think Kendrick can’t smoke Drakes boots. The hip hop community is being cautious because you can’t underestimate Drake. It’s true that Drake has one too many references tracks out there for some people’s comfort. It’s leads people to question his lyrical ability. However, that’s only half the truth.

  6. GKMC, Section 80, Overly Dedicated, Black Panther

  7. Who is saying these replies in real life?! These replies will get you COOKED.

  8. I agree! Hip hop/rap concerts aren’t all that enjoyable as live music with instruments. I will say EDM music is also thrilling live for different reasons.

  9. you talked down on hip hop but called EDM thrilling?

  10. Yeah, the visuals, the sound, the choreography and the “performance” of those who still actual do live sets are thrilling. Much more than hip hop in my experience and opinion.

  11. … Like Clockwork - Queens of the Stone Age

  12. Right? Seems like a silly thing to say as an excuse. Acting my wage I would simply tell him to stfu please and/or get out. But sit there and take it? Couldn’t be me.

  13. Used to date a girl whose favorite Kanye song was I Love It. Like, bruh, really?

  14. I like Kanye. But out of his whole discography why that one 😂

  15. Y’all saying this is weak, are delusional. Makes it obvious and gives more fire to the flame of the beef. Let’s hope he owns up to it so we get more from both.

  16. That’s cool, your opinion and I respect it. But you’re wrong and I hate you

  17. Army Five Years Got to go to South Carolina, Georgia, Kansas, Virginia, Nebraska and Colorado stateside. Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Greece and Bulgaria OCUNUS

  18. Yes in every single one. A lot of them were four day passes and I got to travel unrestricted and get hotels and such. Some I would have to be back by curfew but still worth it.

  19. In the back room of a T-Mobile on the clock

  20. How is My God is the Sun less than a 9? 🧐🤨🤔

  21. Damn I’m late I was in Greece and saw a Lagunitas IPA sign :/

  22. I think the worst is when you say “too easy” 😭

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