
  1. My Sun and Moon are both Gemini. I'm distant from my father and my mom is my best friend.

  2. I especially like to treat myself after a doctor's appointment. Like instead of the doctor giving me a lollipop I get a bagel or donut as a reward for doing something unpleasant and responsible.

  3. I feel bad for you and your cat but I'm selfishly happy you posted this because I'm having the same issues with my void.

  4. Gabapentin is a godsend. I gave it to my cats before their last vet visit and they slept through most of it haha

  5. The vet gave me gabapentin for my void and it doesn't seem to work. I've tried everything and even in his drugged up state he senses I'm trying to take him to the vet and he goes berserk. I finally had a vet come to my house and she witnessed it first hand. She thinks he still has a feral streak in him despite him having lived with me for 4.5 years and said that I'll probably never be able to take him to a vet's office and he might break things/cause damage there.

  6. I had my first at age 29 because I was having some issues and the GI doctor wanted to confirm it was just IBS. Turned out I have Crohn's disease and was my colon was in rough shape. I've been receiving treatment ever since (first various oral medications and now Entyvio) and after the last one was told my colon looked perfect. Sadly they need me to have one done every 2 years or so to monitor me. As for the prep, I was only given the option of taking tablets for the colonoscopy I had 2 years ago when I begged for something else because the drinks literally made me throw up.

  7. Yes! This is something that I inherited from my mom. She has a large chest so her food winds up on her shirt. I have a small chest so my food winds up on my pants or the floor. I also frequently have whatever I'm drinking dribble down my chin.

  8. Virgo's criticism and Sag's bluntness are on another level lol

  9. Weird, I have quite some fire in my chart too, but I'm super introverted, hate others, dislike small talk and otherwise just not able to make friends easily :O

  10. I'm an oldest and sort of an only child because I'm the only child my mom and dad had together and I'm significantly older than my half siblings. My youngest sister was 5 when I went off to college.

  11. I'm a night owl and WFH so Sunday through Thursday I force myself to get into bed by 12:30 a.m. so I can get 8 hours of sleep before work. On Friday night and Saturday night I'm usually in bed by 1:30 a.m.

  12. Jules in that footloose movie had my bi ass panic

  13. "In space no one can hear you scream"--Alien. (I'm old). Apparently Manhattan didn't have a tagline.

  14. I love Mark but I can appreciate how attractive the others are. Gleb's not my usual type but when I saw him at the live tour I was like 🥵

  15. Scrolling through and looking for mine... I feel like I'm supposed to be super social but I am awkward AF.

  16. My big 3 are all mutable, as is my Mercury. I'm all over the place and a study in contradictions. I thrive with a routine but I fight it. I'm a misanthrope with FOMO. I love learning new things but then I get bored. Everything you've heard about ADHD, yeah that's pretty much me.

  17. I got Cancer. I have zero water in my chart (I'm mostly air with a little earth) but before I was on antidepressants I cried every day and was always accused of being too sensitive.

  18. I'm not diagnosed... And maybe I'm wrong. But I've taken the online versions of some of the screening questionnaires they use at psych offices, and also in reflection on behaviors. And it is like, my god.

  19. My mom was a Special Ed teacher but didn't start going to school for it until I was at least 10. I remember her thinking that I had ADHD but I was never tested for anything because I was "gifted but not working up to potential." My youngest sister (13 years younger than me) had more classic autism signs (started talking late, wasn't fully potty-trained until late elementary school, "twirling", being held back a grade) and received an Asperger's diagnosis. My mom told them to keep it out of my sister's chart because she didn't want my sister to have the stigma of the diagnosis.

  20. I think Lindsay would be more enjoyable if she’d relax with posting her children so much, at this point she is turning into one of the MANY mommy vloggers and I think she could offer more than that.

  21. This might be an unpopular opinion but I'd rather see her kids than all the ads.

  22. I like being my sign because I think the benefits outweigh everything else but I usually don't like other people with my sign.

  23. I love your flair and I agree. I'm fine with my sign until people accuse me of being two-faced or crazy.

  24. i'd have less problems if i had been born a Taurus like I was supposed to be. but nope. impatient Aries placement didn't wanna wait the extra 3 weeks, and that's the theme of my whole life

  25. My Taurus sister was supposed to be a Cancer. Talk about impatient! 🤣

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