
  1. Hook an air compressor to it and blow whatever coming out, back at them!

  2. "I let my Daughter pull the car into the kitchen"*

  3. Why is woah pronounced woe and not who-ah. Oh, because EnGlIsH.

  4. "No Step" obviously. It says it right there.

  5. Looking for anything in particular? Weapons, Junk, Flux, etc.

  6. I also have a F/50C/15V HEAD I acquired after this post if interested in that as well

  7. Sorry for the late response. I'm going thru my inventory now. I have Fixers, Handmades, Flux. Just let me know if you're looking for something in particular. FYI I don't have any rare apparel.

  8. If you have any railways I'd be interested in those. If not a Fixer or Handmade would do depending of course

  9. Was gonna say, must not be a US post.

  10. Who cares. Even if they drop once and there's only 70 total all the whales will say:

  11. What's it called when a Chameleon can't change colors?

  12. How can you tell when a pepper 🌶 is mad?

  13. Now you can “look good” in an outfit that if it wasn’t so rare would never ever be worn. Just a bunch of tape and cloth ahahah. But good job getting one it feels good once you get it and see it in your inventory

  14. It is. 3 rare colors are Yellow Indigo and Pink. All of which will NOT say the color in the name.



  17. Whether you level thru the missions or level thru events, your still leveling. So really your argument is invalid.

  18. The giveaway should been "how many names can we come up with for Earl's collosal sack" 🤔 😆 😆

  19. Just joined this subreddit, I'm pretty confused with the whole trading part on here. Should I have been keeping my legendarys and how do I know what's good to keep/sell for more than shown

  20. I'll shoot you a PM with some help.

  21. 1-888 Winner Picked sounds like a toll free number to call xD

  22. The number you’re trying to reach is disconnected

  23. "Glad you've called! We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty!"

  24. Maybe making beyond your weight limit? Doe they just fall on the ground?

  25. Nothin straight about it son, she gone.

  26. No I mean I have one, I’m trying to get a fcjs or something equal for it lmao

  27. I will stop overvaluing once I successfully scalp for my chainsaw

  28. I believe I've seen the video of this. So, I would assume it's a screenshot from the video and zoomed in to focus on the militant opposed to all the surroundings. That would explain the fuzzier look to the picture. And you have to remember this, these drones are being flown. By people. With a conscience. Maybe that's why there was hesitation.

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