
  1. I see you found it but I'll toss in the link so others can see if they're clicking into this thread:

  2. Politics aside, it might help if she said anything funny. Still better than Amy Schumer, imho.

  3. Works for me. Can access both Certmetrics and the PV dashboard through there.

  4. The World needs peace. You know, the kind that was prevalent during the Mean Tweet era.

  5. Poor girl suffer from mental issues clearly. I almost feel bad about her being duped into supporting islamofacist terrorist regimes that would rape and murder her on-sight without batting an eye. Almost.

  6. The fact that she didn't even self-shame behind a coof mask sets her apart from the other deranged lunatics.

  7. I’d like to see the backpack for the white dude who converted for this video. Looks like he has a sweet tooth.

  8. Door dash is gonna make big money in that area. It's theater.

  9. Flame broiled > fried. Wendys has stepped up their fry game, though. I've had BK fries that tasted like they were put in the same vat with fish. BK regular chicken sandwich (the oblong one) is atrocious. But when I'm exclusively burgering- I'll drive out of my way for the BK!

  10. Seems like just yesterday when the left came after Drew Barrymore, calling her racist for frolicking in a field. Instead of folding and pandering- she should have taken notes from Dave Chappelle on how to be a vertebrate.

  11. Hey, getting the ITF+ after trifecta! Now you'll have all the elitists asking why you have ITF+ Gonna be a great 🐫 day!

  12. It's good to see that the Metamucil is working. He doesn't have to strain the way he did in the Presidential Town Hall with Anderson Cooper on CNN.

  13. I took the exam back in December 2022 and it was well written and understandable. I passed by a narrow margin at the time. I feel like it does adequately cover the material it claims to cover.

  14. Current version 005 has been around since 2021. I also thought it was a well written exam that adequately represented the objectives.

  15. Zephyrhills!! It's great to see some locals in here. Nice drop-in!

  16. Fellow rice crispy knees here. You might go from "Oh, I'm not so limber" to "I heard my meniscus pop" if you're not prepared. More skating- as in marathon sessions- (especially on concrete) could do more harm than good and not provide the conditioning that you might expect. If you've been at a desk job, then it's easy to over-estimate your knees ability. Shit be atrophying.

  17. Definitely take the A+ exam. If you pass, and after that pass you get the course pass- then you can use the course as CEUs towards renewal. CE fees for A+ are only $75 total. You could potentially add another 3yrs to A+ expiry for chump change and a few CE approved activities.

  18. You can only hope to diminish the odds of injury. Maybe stretch a ton but still get a pulled hamstring. Cover 90% of your body in protective gear but have the 10% get obliterated. Work on bail patterns for your next prospective trick, then go into an unpredictable position. May the skatepark have mercy on your soul. Stay hydrated and hope for the best!

  19. Congrats on that sweet A+ We look forward to your future success!

  20. new and you jumped straight to cysa.... not a pass but still very impressive. i would recommend starting with net+ or sec+ but your already deep into cysa so just take it again after studying for a week your clearly close to passing

  21. Heck yeah, that's super impressive. New exam jitters could account for the margin to reach the pass.

  22. You are allowed 90 minutes per exam. There are two exams. There are 10,080 minutes in one week. Unless you're running the timer dangerously close- then you should have like 10K spare minutes to enjoy shuffleboard, snorkeling, martial arts, etc.

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