
  1. During summer 2020 Noodle Co used to give us a soda and rice criapie treat, Starbucks and Einstein bagels would give coffee. Now we are just fodder without names. We are just "dasher" even if we are there for a GrubHub or Uber.

  2. I have completed the pharmacy training 3 times and still can't offer on those gigs.

  3. Israelis (97kg) eat more meat per capita than UK (79kg).

  4. Most bears eat mostly plants. They're not much of a predator, they are more gatherers. Exceptions being polar bears who almost entirely eat only fish. And bears that live in coastal regions. But the majority of forest bears eat mostly plants 90%. And the animals they do eat are usually not hunted. For example if a deer dies during the winter and is frozen the bear will eat the freshly thawed deer after hibernation.

  5. It is one of the few memories I have of my dad. He built my sister's crib with it. I only know this from pictures of him working with it.

  6. Did you pay for it on a credit card that has extended warranty coverage by chance?

  7. Good thought, but unfortunately not, Discover

  8. Because they the agent knows the buyer won't take that house, and the realtor wants to show the buyer bad options to wear them down so they take a less than perfect option after seeing so many bad options.

  9. They want you to buy a second knife to scrape the sticker off the first...

  10. The worst thing you can do for a battery is charge it (so they say).

  11. (materials cost)*1.1+(hours worked)(hourly rate)=price


  13. I spend $800-900 for a family of 4. Average for my state is $1,284/month for 4. I shop at Costco and Aldi mostly. The trade off is how much time you want to spend cooking vs how much $ you want to spend. Do you want to spend $5 on a cut up cantaloupe, or $3 for a whole cantaloupe and spend 5 minutes cutting it yourself.

  14. The protein burger is not vegan. Their vegan products will have an orange block that has the word vegan in it. The burger has cow milk cheese.

  15. Someone made 500 copies of a master key and mailed them to students (out of the 4000 students). MTV did an episode about it. "High School Stories"

  16. Meat industry, red meat and processed meat (hot dogs etc) are now classified as carcinogenic

  17. Chances are you spoke about equal rights and the school super/principal are republicans

  18. The only thing I would have done differently is to specifically state it is a hotel's policy that you are not allowed to go up.


  20. Never cash in for more hearts/stamina (after the 4th heart you have to get to progress story)

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