
  1. Cali has a lot of Air Force bases, the Pacific fleet and 29 Palms (3rd Marines). They have the edge.

  2. I've run into SO many people who don't seem to interact with the game at all, until their timer starts to run out. I get taking your time, when I can see the other player looking at cards and clearly thinking, but when they start to "pout" because I play a card that ruins their deck, it's super annoying. If you're not going to play, just concede, and move on.

  3. I’ll be honest here. If someone is playing a deck that won’t let me keep anything on the board on turn one then I’ll let the timer run out.

  4. I've removed this post. This doesn't meet our definition of showing pulls. You are essentially displaying 3 tokens and it does not appear the AFR boosters have even been opened. You are welcome to edit the post and say that you got nothing of value, at which point I can reapprove it, or you can repost with an image showing some pulls.

  5. Sure. That doesn't remedy your post at all. I'm done replying here.

  6. Honestly, I wish we had a real discussion about Concede etiquette. It feels like 50% of the posts here nibble around it without actually broaching the subject.

  7. Honest gamer here. I stall a lot. Maybe that’s just my luck, but when someone has a really aggressive deck and I can’t get any cards on the table for more than a turn I purposely wait until all of my timeouts are up. I also do this when players purposely try to overkill me, we get it you’re going to win no need to constantly spam evolving wilds from hand to graveyard while scute swarm expands.

  8. The average family can’t afford to go to their parks, which are overcrowded and filled with Disney Adults.

  9. How are medians a bad thing? Plan your route better…or do you want to be able to just drive however you’d like and everyone else gets out of your way?

  10. So umm, I've got these miscuts, how much do you think it's worth?..

  11. Also. Set hasn’t been released other than at LGS. The FOMO and greed in the community is starting to show. OP will complain about the price yet will probably buy the MH2 sets.

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